Macintosh's for under $500 U.S.D......

Kenny Lee

Oct 16, 2004
Mac! Yep....a G4/ 1.2Ghz $499....1.4Ghz for $599. I really don't know how it works, but my really computer whiz buds tell me a 1Ghz Macintosh is like a 2Ghz PC. I know alot of PC guys try to slam Macs, to each their own I guess, whatever works for you. I've got a PC too, I use it for surfin' the internet and downloading stuff.
I was told this was gonna happen and I'll be dam they did it. My buds told me a few other kick ass things Apple-gee-tu :OMG:...oops I mean Apple has planned that really sounds cool too! iPod is just the beginning.
Nitronium Blood said:
Are you saying that purchasing shares in Apple is more worthwhile than purchasing Microsoft shares? :err:

have you been watching CNN Financial lately? Apple is up 400% this quarter. so perhaps... :err:
Nitronium Blood. I got two buds that have family into the stock market here in Chicago and man I wish I had serious $$$$ to get Apple stock shares before these and Apples' next generation of Audio/Video programs hit!!!! They drive Benzs'...... I drive a Ford :cry:

Steve Jobs is a genius!