Mackie 24/8 and Mackie D8b Question


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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I'm trying to track down some info on these consoles, and I was wondering if anyone has ever used the two and could compare and contrast them? I wasn't sure if the D8B was simply a digital version of the 24/8 (do they have the same mic pre's in them?) or if it was distinctly made differently? Most of info I've found have been vague, so I thought I would get some opinions here since I know there's been some users of one or both of these consoles. Thanks!
Hey Matt,

Thanks for the offer! I'm actually out of town at the moment and will be for a while, but I definitely may take you up on that offer sometime in the near future. Were you happy with your D8B purchase, or would you have bought something else now that you've had the chance to become familiar with it?

Also, were you the one who did the Division album?
silverwulf said:
Hey Matt,

Thanks for the offer! I'm actually out of town at the moment and will be for a while, but I definitely may take you up on that offer sometime in the near future. Were you happy with your D8B purchase, or would you have bought something else now that you've had the chance to become familiar with it?

Also, were you the one who did the Division album?

I really like the d8b, but I've moved on to pro tools HD, so the d8b is just for monitoring now. Given the choice to do it over, I'd still buy the d8b, it's made several good sounding albums and is really easy to use. I've had it since 1999 so it's served me well, however it's not as marketable as ProTools HD, and since I am going commercial, I need to have gear that sounds good *and* brings in clients.

Yes, I did the Division album... I was the guitarist in the band up until the end of this summer.