Madder Mortem - Desiderata


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Madder Mortem – Desiderata
Peaceville Records – April 24th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Madder Mortem have had it hard enough, I suppose, without me whining about certain aspects of their music, but hey, it’s what I do. Releasing Mercury (1999) on Misanthropy, All Flesh is Grass (2001) and Deadlands (2002) on Century Media, and Desiderata (duh! – 2006) on Peaceville, this female-fronted outfit have put in their fair share of label hopping, and I can partially see why with their latest being as uneven as it is. However, I liked more of it than not, though I wouldn’t be able to endorse this without a guilty conscience banging me over the head with a frying pan every time I did.

In all honesty, the quartet – excluding fifth member, vocalist Kirkevaag, for the time being – are adept at the instrumental portion of music, crafting metal that oftentimes shakes the wall with its crunch and reverberation. For instance, the beginning of “Changeling” downright crushes, as well as the latter part of “Evasions,” in addition to “The Flood to Come.” And the commencement of “Hypnos” is fantastic in its weighty arrival, the expansiveness painting a picture of the grand entrance of an evil royalty or the passing of a gigantic airship. Yeah, it’s a strange notion. To continue, however, I’ll pose a question: so what’s the problem then? Well, “My Name is Silence” was not a wise choice for the lead-in because Kirkevaag gets perhaps too crazy and uncouth before she displays her pipes’ true value through A+ singing. “Dystopia” is of minimal importance, too, the interlude followed by the bass-saturated “M for Malice,” which sounds like a nu-metal outing. At any rate, Desiderata houses music of all qualities (bad, good, great, etc.), but is ultimately not up to par with my usual standards.

Still, even though there are several numbers that warrant sopping up, “My Name is Silence” steers the listener in the wrong direction, and arguably Madder Mortem don’t ever fully recover from the error committed at the outset. With Peaceville’s gems lounging on store shelves – Katatonia’s The Great Cold Distance and Novembre’s Materia – I’ve gotta recommend those first. People seem to like that new Darkthrone record too, but I can’t figure out why. Nevertheless, if you’re a Madder Mortem aficionado, then you’ll be satisfied with what’s on the table. All others should just look elsewhere.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Madder Mortem Website
Official Peaceville Records Website
I've never made a post on the review area before, but after reading that top, ahem, review I feel compelled to do so. I've never heard of Madder Mortem before this album, so I'm not predisposed or partial in my opinion.

I think that this band has made a groundbreaking and absolutely original work of art with Desiderata. The vocalist is an absolutely amazing singer, with a distinct and powerful voice. Her choice of harmonies only solidifies the fact that she's the real deal; born with a gift that only a few possess. I tell you this as a producer/engineer who's worked with some of the greatest vocalists in the world. The opening track "My Name Is Silence" is a perfect intro. It makes a statement basically saying, "You better listen up, because this is the future." While I would hesitate to call this pure metal, it's heavy, intense, and performed by fantastic musicians nonetheless. Do yourself a HUGE favor and cop this record!!!

I wouldn't take anybody's opinion from Indiana seriously - unless it's about farming or racing cars. 6/10 is a joke.

9/10 - (only 9 because I know that this band's next album will be even better!)
metalkingdom said:
I wouldn't take anybody's opinion from Indiana seriously - unless it's about farming or racing cars.

Don't forget basketball. :mad:

But seriously, like the latest from Head Control System and Darkthrone, I seem to be in the minority as far as my dislike for them. Much of the appeal of MM is just lost on me, I guess.
10/10. And in my opinion, the best release of the year so far. Agnete Kirkevaag is an amazing vocalist, probably the most expressive female voice in the metal genre.

The album took a little while to grow on me, but once I got on its wavelength I found it absolutely addictive, and have been finding new and exciting things every time I listen to it. Almost all of the songs are brilliant, including "My Name Is Silence," which is a much better opener than "Necropol Lit" from Deadlands (one of the few weak spots on an otherwise phenomenal album).

I think Madder Mortem is one of the most original, creative and relevant bands working today, especially in the metal genre. The songs "The Flood to Come," "Cold Stone," "Hypnos" and "Hangman" should be required listening for anyone who is even remotely interested in this type of music (and highly recommended for those who are not, because they might be very pleasantly surprised). This is sincere, astoundingly moving music by artists who are not afraid to take risks and who do not sound like anybody else. I would recommend this album to everyone, unconditionally.
I am a fan of this release, but going by UM's rating scale I could only give this a 7.5/10. You guys giving this a 9/10 or 10/10 are using your own scale. Go click on the link in the review to see what the ratings mean. While this album is great, anybody that calls it the "future" is misguided or just not a fan of very much metal.

With all that said, I do think Jason was hard on the album, but it is still his opinion. MM is a band that will probably not appeal to everybody.
Ok guys lets take a timeout from the bashing!

Jason didn't like it as much as the rest of us so his review isn't a reflection of the consensus view here, but the point is, it's HIS view and he justified it.

Anyone who reads this thread is gonna see that the rest of us disagree with him, hopefully factoring in that they might like it more than he does.

As for the argument about whether it's the future of metal or not... well I think it is groundbreaking in many ways, certainly people have said to me "there is a new movement in the norwegian scene with frantic bleep and now this MM..." so there IS a prescident for this view. If we disagree on this point, then lets NOT get personel, everyone is entitled to their view, however well or poorly presented it is.

Rock on guys. \m/
Nate The Great said:
I am a fan of this release, but going by UM's rating scale I could only give this a 7.5/10. You guys giving this a 9/10 or 10/10 are using your own scale. Go click on the link in the review to see what the ratings mean. While this album is great, anybody that calls it the "future" is misguided or just not a fan of very much metal.

With all that said, I do think Jason was hard on the album, but it is still his opinion. MM is a band that will probably not appeal to everybody.

Okay, let's not jump to conclusions. I have around 900 metal albums, and have listened to a lot more than that, and I wouldn't give 10/10 to that many of them. If I did this here it was because I honestly did feel that this album was outstanding (I don't really post many reviews here or anyplace, but was moved to do so here just to possibly draw some people's attention to this album).

With just 2 albums (Mercury and All Flesh Is Grass do not count because they are mediocre--perhaps 2/10 and 4/10, respectively) Madder Mortem have become one of my absolute favorite bands. I agree that they would not appeal to everybody, but their music can be a revelatory experience if one happens to be somehow attuned to their musical way of thinking. As for "the future"--well, obviously I do not expect this album to be as influential as Operation: Mindcrime, but it represents a completely fresh and forward-thinking approach and has more interesting things going on than the vast majority of metal albums.

So I do not say it lightly when I say that in my opinion this really is an essential CD, in every respect.
i'd rate their albums this way:

Mercury: 8,5/10
All Flesh Is Grass 7/10
Deadlands 8/10
Desiderata 9/10

going by UM's rating scale
I have no problem giving Desiderata a 9.5! Its one of my favourite albums of all time. (Yeah, already)

Madder mortem is one of the absolute best bands in the world, and its a damn shame so many people haven't even heard of them.

I'm raving because this is exactly how i feel.