Maggot Bomb EP


Mar 2, 2004
I love Hypocrisy! #1 influence of the extreme heavy music. However, I love so many other styles of heavy rock and so forth,.... anyway, I recorded some songs over the weekend that arent quite completely ironed out yet. Ifyou guys want to give me some crit over any of them it'd be great!!!!!!!

its called maggot bomb and i did it all with a shitty mic and a drum machine pretty much

thanks dudes!
thank you very much!

i was hoping more people would respond but oh well, its hypocrisy's forum not mine.

:kickass: :headbang: HYPOCRISY:headbang:
ok, hey guys just wondered if anyone felt like checking out any of this stuff to give me some crit. i was thinking about putting a band together and maybe trying a couple of these with the help of some outside thinking. kinda started as a pass time and i play in a cover band. i want to get into the local metal scene. i actually havent even really listened to these songs since i posted this thread the first time. please give em a listen and let me know how they are.
got anything on megaupload or anything (myspace and I have streaming issues...)

thanks for actually looking dude!

you can go here and just save the tracks or whatever you want to do..

all vocals are very half assed and done in usually no more than 2-3 takes cause the mic i use is such a piece of shit. even loads of eq cant save them
i recorded all of this with only my pc mic and random little amps :):kickass:

1. Slaves to our Race - a kinda weird vibed song
2. Yesterday* - a song that got the approval from dan swano lol about 4 years ago
3. Gnawing on Grandma's Clam - typical funny death metal
4. Screwing Dead Bitches* - same but about 3 years old as well
5. Holocaust of Souls - another weird vibed tune but a little more solid
6. Freezing Fog Moon - a funny black metal song
7. End - just random guitar playing
8. Human Massacre - a song reminiscent of mid tempo hypocrisy but much more boring and not as cool lol
thanks for actually looking dude!

no prob. might wanna post up on UM's 'self-promotion' board for more feedback though.

you can go here and just save the tracks or whatever you want to do..
decent!! downloading now (nice filesizes for my 56k ass too lmao)

all vocals are very half assed and done in usually no more than 2-3 takes cause the mic i use is such a piece of shit. even loads of eq cant save them
i recorded all of this with only my pc mic and random little amps :):kickass:

might wanna look into getting a secondhand shure mic off ebay or sumn. (everyone I know just uses an old dynamic mic like a Shure with a popfilter aye)
over all it's really good, I don't know which genre you prefer the most, because you show great capability with all of them here (death, melodeath, black, etc.). I think you could excel at any you choose.

1. Slaves to our Race
bass is a little overbearing, and those first vocals really should be switched out for the death ones that follow. The dual vox on the hook is nice.

2. Yesterday
odd intro (I'd cut that out). bring out the lead and rhythm a little more and the production would be great. Something about the vocals don't fit, I dunno if it's the tone or the volume or just the lack of clarity cos of the mic, but it just doesn't quite fit right to me. at 2:07 it would be nice if the high vox there droned on a bit fading where the deep vocals begin in the verse again. same production trick might work nice on the chorus The lead on the clean guitar is too loud for the rhythm I think (rhythm needs to be brought up as loud as the drums and lead), and I think a more natural ending would be more effective.

3. Gnawing on Grandma's Clam
nicely produced. not my kinda thing though. (the rhythm guitar about 30seconds in actually reminds me of a song from Slipknot's first album)

4. Screwing Dead Bitches
well put together, but nothing special to me (though I like the change up at 1:17, it would be nice if it progressed to a new riff after that). (Death doesn't impress me easily). nice vox too.

5. Holocaust of Souls
This reminds me so much of some BM song I wish I could rememer what it was (could be by Carpathian Forest). I think the lead at the start, and the second riff need a little work, something in the melody sounds slightly off.

6. Freezing Fog Moon
bass is a little poorly mixed/EQed here, but if you sort that bass EQ and bring up the guitars it would be a really nice track.

7. End
would be nicer with the guitar at the front and the atmospheric noises in the background rather than so loud. (and none of that left/right fading), and instead of the 'power down' sound at the end just let the last note ring, hammer it, and fade out, do sumn nice to end it off. it's a very nice little solo, just needs to be produced right.

8. Human Massacre
a different synth at the start might work better, the loop cycle changing speed with the pitch seems a little odd. That 2:00 section is cool, reminds me a little of Alice in Chains. it would be cool if you brought the pitch all the way down at about 2:14 a la 3:55 into 'Vader - Freezing Moon'. I like the melody on the hook but it would be good if the chorus had more concept, something catchy rather than the same words repeated.
thank you man! that is very good critique. all of your ideas are good ones and if i ever mess with that stuff again ill be sure to take them into consideration. thanks for listening and the crit!:headbang: :kickass: