magic moments on the bmd


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2005
as topic already says, id like to know what your magic moments on the bmd are, like song 12 playing time 6:50 when the sining guitars are guided by mikes sining for example

she died so beautiful!

my girlfriend left me today, cause she couldt handle with me, and fucked a friend of mine

The part in rainroom when the clean vocals come in, i love that part!,especially how the clean guitar works over the distorted.
the very first line in day, i think the way its sung is excellent.
yeap, the clean parts on rainroom is beautiful. that, along with the intro on endtime is definately one of my favorite Katatonia parts.
and draws that last syllable out for just an inhumanely long amount of time.... so fucking depressing.

[song is Brave]
Cerulean said:
Ehm, let me just edit some stuff and I'll get back at ya :p
Dude, I've heard "Phantom of the Opera" about 5700 times so it's not that, it's just that about every single heavy/power metal song in existence features a tapping section, and "Phantom..." does not even feature the same progression of notes as "Brave", so sorry, absolutely not convinced that there is anything in common between the two other than the existence of a bit of E-string tapping. Sorry. :cool:
I'm agree with the people that speaks about RAINROOM. This song, all the song, it's magical...the first part with Mike's voice, the clean part, and again the last part with the double bass+Mike's voice again+guitars.... too much for me!
Not a flashy part or anything, but one part that I always love is when, in Brave, after the 'Wherever you are, I am not,' line, it goes back into that first riff. I love playing that part when I'm jamming with my friend.

Endtime, being possibly my favorite BMD song, is all magical to me. The lyrics do so much for me, and that intro is so sad. I love how the guitars meld together when he screams, 'They lost the earth in fire/Waved it into a sea/This is not what you saw/The earth in fire.' This whole song is just amazing.
I had a magical moment when i was listening day.People began to walk slowly.i can see the raindrops cause they are falling too slowly.
Depression makes you insane.
But the best part in BMD is the begining of Murder.You wait for the song to begin for about 15 secs.But you feel hours must passed.
The whole albums is just.. beyond words. Definitely one of the greatest albums of all time, for me!
But one part I always have been quite fond of is the "Five day pain
Closer now than ever " part in Murder. Totally kick ass!

Surely the moment between around 7:10 and 7:30 in Brave, when Akerfeldt lets out that impossibly prolonged "NOOOOT", then goes "humph!" and the main riff kicks in again. Incredible.
I really love the "The sound of falling when the pictures are moving" bit in Brave, always brings out the magic for me.
I can't find "Rainroom" or "Day" anywhere online. I intend to buy all the Katatonia albums I can once I get some money, but I really want to hear those two songs. :confused: