Magistral Video

It is about time you showed up here!!! :) THat is awesome..I will be awaiting my copy heehee.... hope to see you at the here in July.
:D :D :D

Dude - It's good to c-yall here!! Those of us in Houston have been spoiled for several years now. And you guys blew the PP pre-party AWAY last year9HINT HINT - HARVESTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Thanx for all the good timz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guardian26 said:
Oh yea, deliver it in person for the girls....

oh well you know....I'm Chilean what can I do LOL..................:D

how are you Mike.....Kicking some criminal butt over there???? :) :) :)

I really think they should change the music of that police program (Bad Boy) program and put some metal in the back.....:headbang: .... Power metal of course

See ya soon dude

Mono \m/