Magnus Rosén


Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hey dudes!!

Has any of you ever heard any song from this guy?? Man, he's killer!!! :eek: Killer wah-wahs and a killer slap speed!! :yow:

I recommend the song "Infinity", it's a killer duet with a flute...

Tell me what you all think!!

PS: He's also the bassist of Hammerfall, but the bass work there is almost zero... Maybe the guitarists say him not to play too well for not taking the scene from them, hahahah

I went two years ago to a live show of him here in Brazil (only himself, no one more)... You all should check his work!
Good Morning!

Yeah, saw that guy also once - He's in Hammerfuck just for the money, I guess...played in different projects before, e.g. Billionaires Boys Club. Some time ago, I wanted to get his solo effort, but I don't know where from. I had an email address where nobody answered my questions - guess you can give me a good hint - would be fine!

So long...