Mahatma - Perserverance


Oct 22, 2006
Mahatma - Perserverance
Listenable Records - Out Now
By Daniel Fisher


Mahatma are a 4 piece Korean outfit that play a mix of thrash, metal core and death metal. The band formed in 1993 and has earned a reputation as being one of the best extreme metal bands to come out of the Asian continent.

Their new (ish) record Perseverance, released in 2007, is full of savage thrash riffs, frenetic Lombardo-esque drumming, and throat ripping death-core vocals. Tracks of note include ‘Beginning of the End’ and ‘Stormrunner’ featuring some memorable riffing and also notably excellent drumming from skins beater Junesun. There is an overall feeling of homage to bands like Testament, early Metallica and Sepultura and I can’t help thinking that maybe if they included some of their own cultural identity in the music it might be more memorable and interesting.

The negative points for this record are that the guitar tone on the album sucks and the drums interfere with the same frequencies (as the guitar) when the cymbals are hit. Better mixing is needed and also more imagination in order to move away from the bands that the wear so obviously on their sleeves as influences.

All in all though, a solid album and definitely good enough to head bang to.