Maiden coming to Toronto


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Great fuckin news
Maiden coming to Toronto in August, along with Motorhead and Dio.

No chance on me missing this show.
Can't fuckin wait
July 29th they hit Merriweather post-pavilion....which is like...15 minutes away from my house. Not sure if i am going to go though. I have not been to a concert in years...and I don't know who I would go with. =( wife certainly will not go.
I got my tix in the mail a few days ago. I hope their new cd is out by then if they plan on playing new stuff.

Your wife isn't a fan rabies? I'm lucky, my wife and I have pretty close to the same taste in music. This time we convinced her mom to go with us. It's funny, my wife's mom actually likes a lot of the newer stuff like Linkin Park, Limp Wristed, Papa Roach and Eminem... :Puke: I told her that no band puts on a better live show than Maiden. I hope they kick ass or I may never hear the end of it.
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Mr. Hyde said:
I got my tix in the mail a few days ago. I hope their new cd is out by then if they plan on playing new stuff.

Your wife isn't a fan rabies? I'm lucky, my wife and I have pretty close to the same taste in music. This time we convinced her mom to go with us. It's funny, my wife's mom actually likes a lot of the newer stuff like Linkin Park, Limp Wristed, Papa Roach and Eminem... :Puke: I told her that no band puts on a better live show than Maiden. I hope they kick ass or I may never hear the end of it.

Yea, I'm lucky too... my wife and I had a freakin' BLAST at the Brave New World show. When my wife was young, her mother wouldn't let her buy NOTB :lol:, but she's a fan anyway. And since that show, she's a HUGE fan! Jannick even kept trying to throw guitar picks to her, though she didn't end up with one. :cool:
You guys are lucky. I think I will be going..with my brother. We shall see. It has been a looooong time since I went to a concert..much less a Maiden concert. I believe the last one I went to was the No prayer for the dying concert...or whatever concert was the first one with Janick.. I'm gettin old.
Well....I got tickets. Wow..have concert ticket prices gone up!

It looks like I will have the priveldge of being first to see them on this tour of those of us who posted. =) I'll let you guys know.