Maiden(s) Galaxy

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
Another GREAT show!
Every band on the bill kicked ass... Thanks to Fro and the rest of Hangar 18 for letting me and my sis into the show...
The moshing got a little rowdy for my liking, and my sis and her friend were really enjoying it... So I left the floor and watched the show from the safety of a chair...
This one guy started getting really chummy with my sis... but her friend, Sara and Jen were watching out for her... THANKS :)
I wish she could go to more shows, since she loves Metal, Maiden and the Maidens
Keyser Soze said:

not as good... since I kept on losing my front row spot...
The pics are pretty good, though a bit dark. That's just a problem of the Galaxy Theater though. There's nothing to reflect light sources to you for decent pictures.:ill:

BTW, did the skeleton swing freely during Hallowed...?
And the drummer gets left out again. :Smug:
Nice thing about the Galaxy was hearing a good drum mix. :D
Keyser Soze said:
This one guy started getting really chummy with my sis... but her friend, Sara and Jen were watching out for her... THANKS :)
I wish she could go to more shows, since she loves Metal, Maiden and the Maidens
yeah, that guy was a yahoo serious. he grabbed my head from the across the merch booth. i'm loving the resurgence of the metal scene, but the ideology of women as objects is uncool and will always be greeted by me with a big FUCK YOU PRICK.
MiniMurray said:
...the ideology of women as objects is uncool and will always be greeted by me with a big FUCK YOU PRICK.
Minimurray: Don't hold back...tell us your true feelings. ;)

Sadly, I didn't get to watch the show except for Dreams of Damnation. I missed Hangar 18 because I was busy chatting up Loana. :worship: !!:worship: (I still want to know where she got her riding crop. :devil: An image forever burned into my little brain...!:kickass: ) I could hear them out in the lobby, though. Sounded good though the low end was missing. :confused: Anyone catch Cheva? I once played on a bill with them with my old band, Korrode, but I haven't had the time to catch them since then.