Maiden Tribute Show

Talking about Tribute shows... we had one in Tel Aviv about a week ago, it was REALLY REALLY good, and that group also played some metallica and pantera`s rise...
`twas good!
Iron Maiden ROCKS! said:
Not been to any but i'd like to see the iron maidens, even if they clearly just arent as good when u listen to em.

Ud think theyd all be as rough as a pair of old boots but the bass player is quite pretty, one of the guitarists looks like dave ellefson out of megadeth tho :S

I just thought I ought to mention here that The Iron Maidens are extremely talented musicians, and do an outstanding job nailing the Maiden material. And Jen's voice compliments the material very nicely. I've flown out to see them a couple of times in the last year, and each time I am impressed with how exactly true they play the material.

Like a few here in this thread, I was a little skeptical when I first heard about the Maidens. I figured the guys who were commenting so positively about their shows on their forums were just being nice, but I was always struck with just how detailed they would get with their praise. This convinced me to check it out for myself, and I'm so glad that I did - these gals are indeed the next best thing to Iron Maiden themselves (IMHO)!!!

These aren't just some girls who thought playing music would be fun. They are all excellent musicians, and their good looks just makes the experience that much more enjoyable. Several have won awards for their skilled musicianship, which is a testament to their skills. One also scores movies when she isn't doing the Maidens thing, and several are Phantom Blue members (one of the few 'US girl metal bands' that actually toured Europe SEVERAL times).

And they are quite nice in person too. They just love talking to their fans and set aside some time after each of their gigs to do just that.

I've been doing some portraits of the Maidens over the last year or so, which is actually a treat as they are so cute/beautiful! Even the one you think looks like the Megadeth dude (cameras just don't do her justice). But then I've had the pleasure of meeting them personally, which is a lot different than what the camera sees...

I hope you get the pleasure of seeing them play sometime. I think you will be very impressed.

I've got great "GAY-DAR" and happen to know that none of the women in The Iron Maidens are dykes.

Hmmm...I think one may have experimented with that in college a little ...but hey...those college days....weren't they wild for all of us with experimentation of new things?

ha ha ha

These gals play Maiden note for note...even Rime of the Ancient Mariner...with skills like that...who needs to look like Coors Lite Models?

They're just a group of gals having fun playing the most awesome music in the world: MAIDEN.


If you want to see chick tribute bands with REALLY scary women...I could point them out....but...that wouldn't be nevermind...but there are some on that would just shock the living jelly beans out of you.
I've seen The Iron Maidens a number of times now and they keep getting better every time. They do an outstanding job of recreating an Iron Maiden live show, with an unusual twist - they're all pretty females that enjoy playing this music that we all love!

People can be hard on tribute bands (I am too), and the girls have discussed the difficulties of gaining acceptance by a largely male audience, but they win converts wherever they go with their musicianship and showmanship. At their last show I kept hearing other people in the audience (those that probably hadn't seen 'em before) saying how the Maidens "nailed it." Dave Murray's brother (yes Dave Murray's brother) was in attendance at the show, and I would have to believe he came away with same opinion.

Musically they are all experienced pros that know what they're doing on stage. The play a wide range of Maiden material, including a truly kickass version of Rime of the Ancient Mariner! Their stage show is something to see too- of course on a smaller scale than Maiden, but full of tr00 Maiden imagery, costuming, and even an Eddie that stalks around!

IMO, when it comes to Maiden, it's about the music, and these ladies play it and play it well!!! They're gonna do some touring in the U.S., so if you get a chance, definitely go to their show and see for yourself!
Up the Irons!
Dont get me wrong like i aint begrudging them cuz theyre girls i think theyre pretty cool its just i listen to bits n it seems to lack the maiden oomph, but without an arena size PA who could eh ;) i thought they were purdy good, not seen em live but checked out some of their stuff n well i think its pretty hard to be a maiden tribute band cuz theyre so unbeatable at what they do. Anyone could do a Bon Jovi tribute but i think maidens something untouchable
The Iron Maidens are about the live show... that's the only way to judge...
I've seen them a few times, and I am friends with most of them. They are great people, and the next best thing to the real thing. Listen to their cover of The Trooper on the website...
I have listened to everythin on the website how else could i have made my judgement of how they sound i aint assuming that cuz theyre girls that want to be men that theyre rubbish, i'm sure some guys can do a good angela gossow impression yknow.
I just thought they werent particularly "spot on" covers which i know isnt important but it sounded like it was meant to be spot on if u know what i mean, hey it was quite a while ago maybe i'll like em now, i'll pop on down to their website n have a goosie
Iron Maiden ROCKS! said:
I have listened to everythin on the website how else could i have made my judgement of how they sound i aint assuming that cuz theyre girls that want to be men that theyre rubbish, i'm sure some guys can do a good angela gossow impression yknow.
I just thought they werent particularly "spot on" covers which i know isnt important but it sounded like it was meant to be spot on if u know what i mean, hey it was quite a while ago maybe i'll like em now, i'll pop on down to their website n have a goosie

The recorded samples on the Maiden's site aren't always the best quality... but when you are recording on the fly in a club environment, this is to be expected - and a lot ends up getting lost in the translation.

Definitely check out the two videos here (The Trooper, The Number Of The Beast) if you are able. These have the best sound mix of all the clips on the site so far.

Maybe they will do a studio tribute album at some point, and have some better samples at that time...
I've been playing guitar for near 20 years, I've played metal for the most part. When I first saw the Iron Maidens storm onto the scene (their debut gig!) I was floored. Their musical skills are phenomenal. Don't get caught up in the fact that they are all lovely women, skill is not determined by gender at all, and the Maidens are the best living proof of that! I've had the opportunity and privelige of putting on my guitar and jamming with them, let there be no misunderstanding, they ROCK! Let's drop the "Eeww, they're GURLZ!" bit and listen with our ears to what they are doing. They are funny, warm, and very easy to hang out with in person too. Check em out if ya close to the gig, you won't be disappointed...
The Maidens rock my world every time I see them.
I slept for almost 12 hours after the last show!
NovembersDirge said:
Yeah, what, the fact that they all look like men? :p :lol:

If they looked like men, they wouldn't be bringing in the crowds they do. Sure, an all female Iron Maiden tribute is a novelty but, let's face it, Iron Maiden doesn't appeal to a lot of guys in the U.S., either. (The band still only has platinum status here.) Guys in original bands would give their testicles to be packing in the kind of audiences that these girls have. Also, may I suggest you try paying attention with your ears instead of your cock.

Time and again, I've seen audiences (mostly men) standing in clubs with their arms crossed just waiting for the girls to fuck up material. Within three songs, these are usually the same guys that we keep seeing as repeat customers at the girls' shows and they're usually the ones with the most glowing of reviews.

NovembersDirge said:
The Iron Maiden's are a bit.. too.. dykey for my taste.

Yeah, I've noticed that strong-willed women are usually typecast into the roles of being a "bitch" or "dyke" by those guys who can't handle the fact that women may actually be able to do something better than they can.