Sep 9, 2002
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I just the Death On The Road dvd.I have to say it has got to be the best metal dvd ever(that i have seen).The extras are fucking awesome and the gig was mindblowing.80% of the songs i didnt evan know, but they rock big styleeee.I cant wait for the new Saxon dvd i know they dont have the cash and the last one was fuking awsome but its still should be a cracker.
I've only just started listening to Dickinson era Maiden as I was still holding a grudge about getting rid of Di'Anno (well it has been 25 years so it thought it time to forgive and forget!) and I must say I've missed out on some good stuff. I've been playing Dance Of Death in the car all week and I love it! I still don't see why everyone spanks the monkey over Number of the Beast though! It's just been voted no.15 in the 100 greatest British rock albums EVER in Classic Rock. I think I'm ready to buy the DVD.
bert said:
I've only just started listening to Dickinson era Maiden as I was still holding a grudge about getting rid of Di'Anno (well it has been 25 years so it thought it time to forgive and forget!) and I must say I've missed out on some good stuff. I've been playing Dance Of Death in the car all week and I love it! I still don't see why everyone spanks the monkey over Number of the Beast though! It's just been voted no.15 in the 100 greatest British rock albums EVER in Classic Rock. I think I'm ready to buy the DVD.

Bert, Maiden didn't get rid of Paul but it rather it was Paul leaving Maiden. I love Maiden, have been a fan since I saw them "live" with both Paul and Clive when they toured for KILLERS but there is no way imo that Maiden would have been as good with Paul fronting them. I love the first 2 Maiden records andthey are CLASSICS but he would have burned himself out long ago. Steve Harris IS Maiden but Bruce Dickinson IS the voise of Maiden imo.

Paul rules too and I like his solo stuff alot and does anyone have his NOMAD cd from 2000? if not, get it! that one rocks:kickass:

I've seen Maiden dozens of times and am going to see them this Dec. when I fly across the pond :heh:

I don't have the DVD yet but from what I hear, everyone loves it :kickass:
Golden_Goose said:
Bert, Maiden didn't get rid of Paul but it rather it was Paul leaving Maiden.
Like Dianno had a choice! I don't doubt it was a good commercial decision to 'ask him to leave' and he has admitted as much himself.I still think the first 2 albums piss all over TNOTB though. I've seen Maiden a few times myself but never with Dickinson. I MIGHT get to Manchester in December. You're right about NOMAD though. The Living Dead is a great tune!
The story was that the band had decided to ask Paul to leave and were going to tell him at their next meeting, but he'd planned to quit anyway and tell them at the same meeting and I agree with Golden_Goose that Dickinson is the voice of Maiden!
WILKS said:
I cant wait for the new Saxon dvd i know they dont have the cash and the last one was fuking awsome but its still should be a cracker.

Having watched the extras on the "Lionheart Special Edition" I think the new DVD is ging to be sooooo much better than "Chronicles" mind you it might have been even better if my T.V supported the 5.1 surround sound (whatever that is ha ha ha) o_O
bert said:
Like Dianno had a choice! I don't doubt it was a good commercial decision to 'ask him to leave' and he has admitted as much himself.I still think the first 2 albums piss all over TNOTB though. I've seen Maiden a few times myself but never with Dickinson. I MIGHT get to Manchester in December. You're right about NOMAD though. The Living Dead is a great tune!

Well, Harris does have a heavy hand of you will but I really think they'd never had the amount of success and longevity if Paul stayed in the band.

Paul has slagged Maiden alot and even Bruce but yet his biggest claim to fame was Iron Maiden #1 & 2. I love the raw sound the first 2 records had and Paul still sounds raw but I do love NOTB as well as POM,SIT & SSOASS.

I like all of Bruce's work with Maiden except NPFTD and as far as Blaze is concerned he too is good on his own and I love X-Factor as it's Maiden's darkest record imo but VirtualII imo sucks.

I can't believe you've yet to see Bruce with Maiden considering you live over thereo_O I really think you should go and see them this tour and I think you'd be very surprised as Bruce always delivers live.
Golden_Goose said:
I can't believe you've yet to see Bruce with Maiden considering you live over thereo_O I really think you should go and see them this tour and I think you'd be very surprised as Bruce always delivers live.

Hey,if I hold a grudge it stays held! :lol:
I know I've been 'cutting off my nose to spite my face' and I may well see them. I might make a trip over to Dublin and stay for a few days.
bert said:
Hey,if I hold a grudge it stays held! :lol:
I know I've been 'cutting off my nose to spite my face' and I may well see them. I might make a trip over to Dublin and stay for a few days.

You stubborn fucker! I respect that :heh: and am the same way :lol:

I'm sure you'll have a blast bert :kickass:
I sometimes ask myself what are the diferences between Saxon and Iron Maiden?

I mean there has to be an explaination why I have got all the Saxon CD's / LP's and why I 'only' have 1 Maiden CD and 3 Maiden Lp's and 2 cassette tapes fro maiden?

Lyrically I can say: the Saxon lyrics are more realistic and direct, not so far-fetched, just as life is, more vivid...I mean for example a Saxon lyric-part : I should have known better, youre just perfume and lace" I think that is finger print Saxon..In a Maiden lyric such thing I do miss!

Of course Maiden has made some great stuff, especially the Iron maiden lp, Killers (still my favorites, authentic/rough/ a bit amateuristic, but superb!!) and of course Powerslave, Number of the beast and piece of mind, but after that for me Iron Maiden went downhill..ok Fear of the Dark album was good and a song like Brave new world,..I lost contact there is something missing that was there in the beginning.. And with Saxon its different, when I compare their (Saxons)first albums with their latest albums, they are still ok and they are going uphill! I sometimes are pissed of when people say Saxon are Maiden Wannabees, I just cant make anything with that, it doesnt grasp into any brain vesel.....It sometimes makes me laugh and wonder..There is a big difference.. there has to be! Does anybody know more differences?

Of course Iron maiden has had 3 vocalists, where Biff did all those years on his own (What a strength! Like a stallion!! what an endurance!!!), and that makes Biff to me a real Bandleader! When I saw him on stage, that man has got a charism and posture of a real warrior-tribe leader,..the kind to which I would saY : I will follow you into battle commander, wherever you go !!" That man just has got something, that I miss in Bruce Dickinson... just my opinion..
Good topic.

Myself, I love Maiden, they are definately up there with my fav bands.

I've seen them 4 times already and 5th time will be december this year :headbang:

I must say though that the DVD isn't the best it COULD have been. I think the editing is quite bad as the camera angle changes almost every second and it seems to change with Nicko's snare drum, which to me is the kind of thing you do in a video. Basically the dvd is shot like it was a video single - if you get what I mean.

I still enjoy it and the extras are awesome (definiately worth the price I paid).

But when I want to see a concert, I want to see something thats not a music video that you would see on MTV or Kerrang!

I'm sure the Saxon dvd will kick ass!! Chronicles sure did kick my ass!!

Does anybody know anything more about the new dvd??

I asked Paul after the Wulfrun gig and he said it contains footage from 3 shows!!!

But he said he hadn't seen the final cut yet..

It sounds awesome to me!!

I sometimes ask myself what are the diferences between Saxon and Iron Maiden?

1.Maiden always had superior management, although Saxon's heavy touring and higher profile lately shows some improvement in this area.

2.Saxon does have better merchandise although some members have complained about Metal tix service.

3.Saxon needs a better website to service the fans. They can learn alot from Maiden in this area.

4. Lack of a North American prescence. Maiden has toured most if not all the cds in USA and Canada. Saxon hasn't.

5.Denim and Leather, Wheels of Steel. Saxon wrote these two great classics, which till this day I never get tired of.


:headbang: "Play it Loud":headbang:
Yeah i love Maiden there my havourite band i will also be at the Nec gig and both Earls court gig.

I also agree with "rockandrollsteve" about they need a better web site they could also benefit with a good myspace lots of bands these day get most of there popularity over the internet, but then again there not nesersarily the type of fans you want.
2.Saxon does have better merchandise although some members have complained about Metal tix service.

They have lots of nice Saxon shirts in Metaltix, but the sizes are usually XL and XXL, and they've done nothing to get more shirts with reasonable sizes. :mad:
Golden_Goose said:

Do you have standing or seated tickets? I have a front standing ticket and you can get your British arse :loco: that this American ass :loco: is going do his best to get right up front :kickass:

We should meet up beforehand for a few pints:devil:

I'm in the seated area, got my tickets the day they went on sale but couldn't get standing ticks for some reason (I heard they sold out quite quickly).
having been a metal fan since both saxon and maiden began so to speak late 1970's i find it hard to believe that some people say that saxon are maiden wannabes , perhaps as wealthy but thats about all,
i purchased the death on the road dvd as soon as it was released and i have to say that its in my opinion pretty poor, i saw maiden on the dance of death tour and have seen them on ever tour since 1985 (with the exception of brave new world tour ,earls court) and the concert itself was up there with the best (seventh tour of a seventh tour) but the dvd just doesnt cut it ,poor sound quality ,ok you do get 2 dvds but surely one correct one would have been enough , i guess the big problem i have with maiden is they are too formulaic in concert there is no audience + band interaction ( no banter) and the concert is exactly the same night after night after night , see them in manchester on monday see them in sheffield on tuesday and try and spot the difference you wont, now some people will say that thats a good thing but saxon never do that , there is always something new to take away from any saxon concert ( songs put in ,songs taken out,2 encores sometimes three,banter with the crowd) and saxon ALWAYS look as if they are enjoying it,I like many others on here were at wacken a couple of years ago when saxon played for 2 hrs 30 mins now maiden after 2 hrs are usually back in there hotels but biff and the boys were still on stage , that desperate to get another song in well after they were supposed to leave that they got the promotor on stage to shame him into letting them play one more song ( they even gave the promotor a bass and let him join in on dallas 1pm) now that is in my opinion the main difference between saxon and maiden
Saxon live to play music whilst getting paid for it
Iron Maiden live to be paid to play music
i know my views may not be to everybodies taste , but its like the great Clint Eastwood said " Opinions are like arseholes everybodies got one"