Mailing List and hotmail accounts


Sep 9, 2002
If you have registered a hotmail account to the Bloodstock mailing list then it is unlikely that you will receive any mailouts as MSN do the following:
Hotmail employs the following methods to protect you from spam:

  • They limit the number of individual recipients for each e-mail message.
This means that only a few accounts recieve the email, once it detects too many recipients it aborts and returns them to me ! This is why many of you are not getting mailers from the Bloodstock mailing list. This is regardless of whether you have set your junk mail filter to ignore our emails etc!

So, the only solution is to re-register to the mailing list with another address.

N.B. It is likely yahoo and aol do a similar thing.
AOL's spam control is abysmal, I report every piece I get and still recieve 20+ a day! I got the Bloodstock newsletter though!