Main Event


Angel Of Death
May 11, 2001
Visit site
Hey guys,

Currently on they are taking suggestions on what concerts you would like to see on pay per view.

You get to name 5 bands and they say they'll try their best to get them on.

So if ya wanna see some metal gigs on ppv i suggest u go there and make some requests before all the teenie boppers find their way there and request nsync or some shit. :)


PS when ya get there click the link "You Say We Play!"
Ok I just put.....Slayer, Iron Maiden, Kiss, Slipknot and iced Earth.
Chances of seeing them? None, but I cant complain about not seeing them if i didnt at least try in the first place :)
Chances of seeing Kiss and Slipknot woul dbe very high I think.

I already have a Kiss concert on video from Main Event which was on earlier this year.