Make an Alice Cooper best of!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
There are already about 9876352706543 (Greatest Hits, The Definitive, Classiks, Super Hits, Freedom For Frankenstein, etc etc!) but what the hell, why not make another :D Let's make it 2 CDs, 15 tracks on each.

CD1 (1970-1983 era):

1. I'm Eighteen
2. Ballad Of Dwight Fry
3. Desperado
4. School's Out
5. Billion Dollar Babies
6. No More Mr. Nice Guy
7. I Love The Dead
8. Welcome To My Nightmare
9. Only Women Bleed
10. Department Of Youth
11. Steven
12. Go To Hell
13. From The Inside
14. Nurse Rozetta
15. Skeletons In The Closet

CD2 (the metal stuff):

1. Teenage Frankenstein
2. Freedom
3. Lock Me Up
4. Step On You
5. Poison
6. Bed Of Nails
7. This Maniac's In Love With You
8. Trash
9. Hell Is Living Without You
10. I'm Your Gun
11. Hey Stoopid
12. Love's A Loaded Gun
13. Dangerous Tonight
14. Little By Little
15. Feed My Frankenstein

That was hard! So many other good songs left off like Elected, Hello Hooray, Snakebite, Prince Of Darkness, How You Gonna See Me Now, Black Widow, Halo Of Flies, Some Folks, Brutal Planet, Die For You, etc etc etc!

Alice rules!! :headbang:
Most of Brutal Planet, most of Trash and then live songs of his other famous tracks because they sound 200 years old on cd :D
Originally posted by spawn
Most of Brutal Planet, most of Trash and then live songs of his other famous tracks because they sound 200 years old on cd :D

The production on the '70s ones rule though because they suit the mood better. However, they do all sound even better on the Alice Trashes The World video with Al Pitrelli shredding his fingers off :D

You should check out the albums "Hey Stoopid" ('91) and "Raise Your Fist & Yell" ('87). Raise Your Fist & Yell is similar to Trash in the songs but heavier, darker, more Alice sounding, and more raw heavy metal production. And Hey Stoopid is the one after Trash, a great hard rock album! The songwriting is more like the classic Alice of the '70s than Trash and Raise Your Fist are.... but with early '90s production and the odd sleaze metal song (like Dangerous Tonight and Snakebite) mixed in hehe.

Brutal Planet is one of my least faves. It's like he decided to try to compete with Marilyn Manson and stuff..... has a few good songs though but alot of crap ones too. I hate the production on it. It's a better album than the ones from '80-'83 though... I don't know where he went wrong with them!
I cant take anything you say seriously Troops :D Crap production is crap production!

Same reason Alive 3s version of the old Kiss songs are better than the studio ones!
But it isn't crap production. It's '70s production but it is still polished. It doesn't sound like it was recorded in a public toilet or something.

Listen to songs like "Welcome To My Nightmare" and "Nurse Rozetta" and tell me they would sound better with '90s production... NO WAY! They suit the songs perfectly!!!

70s songs + 70s production = Sounds right
70s songs + 90s production = Doesn't fit the era of songwriting

Next you'll be saying "Creatures Of The Night" sounds better on Tribute To The Gods than on the Creatures album!!!
(And don't say "but it does!!!" because the drums alone sound 100x better on Creatures Of The Night than Tribute To The Gods! I've never heard any band capture a drum sound like that before! The closest is WASP on their debut.)

By the way I agree that all the songs on Alive III sound better on that than the studio versions! Except maybe "Creatures" coz that album has awesome awesome production..... but it does have more energy so it probably is better on Alive III just.
I prefer to hear songs like No More Mr Nice Guy and School's Out live. They've got so much more balls when played live now.

Take This Maniac's In Love With You off and put Elected or Brutal Planet on, Trent!

The Beast of Alice Cooper is another bloody best of.....

Welcome to My Nightmare rules! Probably my favourite Alice album. Oh yeah, takes you website. Woohoo! :)
This Maniac's In Love With You rules!! :headbang: I love that funky groove to it hehe. And the chorus rocks!

Yeah I think most Alice songs (the rocker ones especially) sound better live and also are better coz of the theatrical aspect on video, etc. Same with Kiss.... Kiss songs translate better into a live setting than in the studio (which is the only reason I think the songs sound better on Alive III, nothing to do with more modern production).

I mean hey, I love the way all his '70s songs sound live in 1990 on Trashes The World with all the shredding! But it doesn't mean the studio versions sound crap like Spawny said.

I was just really talking about the "because they sound 200 years old on cd" comment. I don't understand what's wrong with something sounding old. There is a difference between old production and crap production. Just because he doesn't like '70s rock doesn't mean the production is crap... "Welcome To My Nightmare" has amazing production! Comments like that just remind of those boppers who are like "Ewww that's old!" and think newer always equals better. If that theory was true, I spose that would mean remakes of old movies are always better because of the better equipment, effects, picture quality, etc. But remakes are always worse. Just look at the Psycho remake... :puke: What a joke that was.
You know what 3 tracks rule in a row???

"Years Ago"
"The Awakening"

:headbang: :headbang: When I think Welcome To My Nightmare, that part of the album is the first thing that comes to mind! On the live video of Welcome To My Nightmare, I love how Years Ago is broken up in parts and done between songs throughout the show to link the theme together, and Alice is on his knees acting it all out talking to the toy box haha.

Black Widow and Some Folks are 2 of his most underrated songs too I think. God I love that album!
Yeah it's fuckin' wicked, Trent. I love the whole album. It's got a great atmosphere. Very classy.

I don't have any Alice stuff on video. Reckon I could get a copy of yours?
Sure thing :)

I have Welcome To My Nightmare (VERY theatrical!), Alice Trashes The World (the best one! '80s metal Alice with Al Pitrelli!) and Brutally Live copied from the DVD thanks to Sydo! :D

PM me your postal details and I'll get them out to you as soon as I can :)
Done, and thanks very much!

Have you got the Last Temptation? It's like a continuation of WTMN. It's a good solid album overall, but no good for those just looking for hits, because there are none!
Nope I haven't heard one thing from between Hey Stoopid and Brutal Planet!!! That whole mid-90s era is missing in my Alice knowledge heheh. I'll have to check out Last Temptation!

Hey Stoopid is probably my fave Alice album I think :) Along with Trash, Raise Your Fist & Yell, Welcome To My Nightmare.
The Last Temptation was the only studio album in that time anyway. There were also a couple of live albums. Have you got them?

Hey could you let me know if you see any Alice stuff being sold cheaply at anywhere like JB? The reason I've not got too much of his back catalogue is that I don't like paying full price for old stuff.\

Have you got Flush the Fashion? Not too flash really!
At JB, it is very rare for an Alice album to be over $13.99 these days. You'll have a field day there when you get back to Melbourne!
Latecomer to this thread, but that's what happens when I go without net for almost three weeks under the pretext of "working" ;).

For Disc 1, stick on all of The Beast of Alice Cooper plus Welcome To My Nightmare (full album version), I Never Cry, You & Me and How You Gonna See Me Now.

Disc 2: (1980-1994)

1. Clones (We're All)
2. Pain
3. Former Lee Warmer
4. He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)
5. Teenage Frankenstein
6. Freedom
7. Prince of Darkness
8. Poison
9. Bed of Nails
10. House Of Fire
11. Hey Stoopid
12. Feed My Frankenstein
13. Love's A Loaded Gun
14. Lost In America
15. It's Me
16. Stolen Prayer

Now then Winmar, to get the best out of The Last Temptation, you also need the comics that go with it. They were written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Michael Zulli. You can't get the individual issues anymore, but they were reprinted in a collected edition a few years ago (in sepia rather than the original colour unfortunately). Read them while you listen to the album to get the most out of the story :).