Make my mix fuller

bass guitar is just a clean guitar ran through a bass amp and cab sim. so it's not much of a bass guitar.
Bass. Real bass. That's the warmth. I dunno where you plan to use this recording but it seems pretty unusable tone-wise. I suggest re-recording everything if you're really interested in mixing this song.
dude re-recording wouldn't do nothing since i don't know how to record in the first place. i would imagine it would sound similar to what i recorded to begin with unless i know what to do differently.
dude re-recording wouldn't do nothing since i don't know how to record in the first place. i would imagine it would sound similar to what i recorded to begin with unless i know what to do differently.

If you think it sounds bad and you re-record and it sounds the same then that means your not even trying. The guy is only being realistic and giving you advice you should take, especially if your new at this. I would normally ignore a post like this, which i'm pretty sure is what most people are doing, but i'm bored and waiting for the damn signer i'm suppose to record to show up so i figured i'd try to give you my advice as well.

If your truly interested in learning this trade your going to have to change your attitude because re-recording is exactly the thing you should do. The first thing i would do is analyze my recording, listen for the things that i don't like and try to fix them by re-recording. In this case i would redo the drums entirely, whether its recorded drums or programmed. Then i would get a real bass and do it properly. Even a cheap walmart bass will be better than half assing a guitar into a bass. The guitars aren't great but aren't the worst element. I would probably redo them anyhow just for the hell of experimenting and trying to improve on it. I would read info on what the pros and even semi-pros do, check out videos on tricks and tips, talk to other musicians and learn from their studio experiences, maybe even get in contact with an audio engineer that recorded one of my friends CD and talk with him. I would then apply what I've learned because the key to succeeding in this or any trade is learning. Which means re-record again, and again, and again, and again.. gain experience, apply what you've learned until you get a sound your slightly satisfied with then be proud of your improvements and strive to get better. Experiment, try to actually learn something, not post something on a forum expecting some magic tip that will instantly make your mix better and then shunt the very first advice your being given. Perhaps this not what you where wanting to hear but if you want a specific answer you should try asking a question instead of just saying "my mix sounds bad, fix it for me".

Here is what i found in about.... 20 seconds? And all i did was hit "back" a couple of times and clicked on "Production Tips". Everything here is right there on the first page:

And for you to practice and have fun with:

Either you learn to get the results you want or you hire someone that will do it for you. It's as simple as that. There is no magic to it and no one will guide you through it step by step unless you go to school for it.
yo c-martin thank you. your post is the kind i was hoping to get not just a re-record comment with no tips or anything else to go by. do you not see the difference between your post and supermans? i'll start checking out the links you posted.