Making final adjustments on demo, need some advice for vocals and leads


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
My band has a few shows coming up and we wanted to get some Demo CDs pressed to hand out to people.

I am making the final adjustments on our mixes, but I'm having a little trouble getting the vocals and lead guitars to sit right.

It would mean a lot to me if you guys could take a listen on whatever speakers or headphones you have available and give me some advice or personal suggestions.

I'm getting very close to the sound I'm looking for, but while comparing to other recordings I like I've noticed this mix lacks the low mid beef it needs, and is also a little harsh in upper frequencies.

Any advice on darkening up overheads while still retaining their clarity? Gauntlet.mp3

Your opinions mean alot to me, thank you
Don't know much about production but I love the music! You really managed to put great clean vocals on top of complicated music! Hopefully I'll be able to learn more about production later!
Thanks a bunch! We wanted to have a singer but not make it sound too cheesy powermetal. We are all big maiden fans and wanted that sort of melodic feel but with lots of other influencies of heavier music. Glad you like