Man-at-arms blues...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

Like 20 years ago I had this and many other He-man toys but they were stolen along with a big yellow Lego castle. I hate thieves. Except in Final Fantasy I because later he becomes a ninja and is pretty badass.
and i didnt say my pals. someone messed with my post. i would never say that.

That's too funny... so funny that I can't even :lol:
I've only got a few He-Man toys, but an insane amount of GI Joe & Action Force figurines. I don't want to think about how much money I blew on those toys, but they were severely kickass. I love the small anti-aircraft guns that some of them came shipped with.
Ellestin said:
Yuo, Locke was my favourite character in FFIII, and he is a fucking thief!
:headbang: Probably my favorite videogame character EVAR.

He-man had a lot of fuzzy characters, like that panther dude. Had him. He was way cooler than the green cat with the red shit on his head.