Man shoots own arm after being denied sex; gives himself a stranger instead

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold,2150341.story

Man shoots own arm after being denied sex

FORT MYERS, Fla. - Authorities say a Fort Myers man shot himself in the arm after his girlfriend refused to have sex with him.

The Lee County Sheriff's Office reports that 29-year-old Jonathon Guabello and his girlfriend returned home from a bar early Wednesday morning. The girlfriend told deputies that Guabello had wanted to get intimate, but she wanted to go to sleep.

When Guabello became irate, authorities say the girlfriend went to a spare bedroom, and several minutes later she heard two gunshots. She told deputies Guabello came into her room and threatened her. He then stumbled into the kitchen and knocked himself unconscious.

Guabello was charged with threatening violence and firing a weapon in an occupied dwelling. He was being held on $100,000 bail.

Hey will you bail my ass out my girlfriend would not fuck me last night so I shot myself in the arm!
i've always wanted a stranger from my own hand... that lucky bastard

seriously though, where the fuck do you find out about all of these kick ass stories ozz?
Not worse than this story i heard a few days ago (true story btw)
Some psychopath from the South burbs of Chicago cut off his own schlong then freaked out and drove himself to the emergency room. Only problem is he left his chopped off dick in his garbage can.

A friend of mine was the cop on the scene at his apartment and saw the dick in the garbagecan.
Not worse than this story i heard a few days ago (true story btw)
Some psychopath from the South burbs of Chicago cut off his own schlong then freaked out and drove himself to the emergency room. Only problem is he left his chopped off dick in his garbage can.

A friend of mine was the cop on the scene at his apartment and saw the dick in the garbagecan.

LMFAO!!!! :lol: What the fuck he thought his dick was, a candy stick? sick mofo.