Man, what do they put in the water out in Illinois?

dont forget last year witht he gunman walking into that office building and shooting people. I actually wrok across the street from that place. It was nuts that day. No one was allowed in or out for hours. Everyone was on lockdown. The biggest problem is that there are those people that people always joke about saying...."they are unstabble, or they are nuts", but no one ever feels the need to go anuy futher into seeing into it, so when they go nuts and finally hurt someone....everyone is like....I saw it coming. Well, why didnt you red flag that a while ago and let someone know?

dont even get me started on the prison system.
The thing about these gunman is, why do they take others out if they are planning to off themself anyhow?

That's the bitch of it, as we will never find out once they are dead.......

Bob - I am totally with you. Nothing bothers me more when people don't deal with others who truly need help. Almost like they are afraid or ashamed to admit that a loved one needs help.
It's frightening - a neighborhood kid was injuried at NIU and my fiancee went to high school with one of the others that was injured - WGN mentioned he was a former intern at the tv station this morning.

I remember some of my college lectures being full of 600 kids. Imagine how many more could have been hurt had that class had enough kids to fill the hall.
the mental health of our country is terrible. There are so many ways to get help. Most of the time it is revenge and stuff it seems, or someone was just plain pissed off for some reason. I think another issue is that people may ask for help but someone refuses to listen and then setting that person off. I have worked with tons of unstabble people in my lifetime....people who I could see totally doing something like this. I actually worked in a store where they fired this guy because he went off on the boss. He was one of those goofy silly guys but just snapped. They had a restraining order on him after he was fired. 6 Months later he came back into the store....he was security guard somewhere and had a gun. You can imagine how that went over....everyone was slowly walking to the back of the store and hiding.

When it comes to violent crimes....prison is where we fail. It is almost a resort for the poor or angry. My theory is once you take a life or hurt a life. You loose that privalige. When sent to should be on 23 hour lockdown. This would cut the violent acts and gang activity in half. The people on the yard who have more freedom are the prisoners who didnt do violent crimes. This would help maybe a little with someone thinking about doing a violent crime.

But back to the killing spree thing......having read and watch lots of shows and books on this type of stuff. It truely is hard to pinpoint the suspects before they do it. Look at our schools now...people getting suspended for bringing things that could be weapons. We dont want to live in this ultra paranoid world do we?
Yep, tell me about it.
What about Foellenger Hall at U of I?

For core classes like History or whatever, I was in lectures with over 1000 people.

It's funny how they list all these tips to stay safe.

The harsh reality is that anytime you are in public, you are vulnerable, and there isn't too much you could do.

I am with Bob.....
There are always MANY "signs" people talk about relating to these shooters after it is too late.
Why the hell aren't these people dealt with upon first signs of trouble? Someone, family, friends, co-worker, etc, has to be aware that this person is in need of help.
It truely is hard to pinpoint the suspects before they do it. Look at our schools now...people getting suspended for bringing things that could be weapons. We dont want to live in this ultra paranoid world do we?

I dont know man...
Is it hard to pinpoint them?
It almost seems like afterwards, everyone has a story that supports the behavior.

I know what you mean as sometimes people goof around, and you don't want to literally commit EVERYONE who shows eratic behavior.

Though we all have gone to school with or worked with people who possess the following characteristics:
1) Loner
2) Never fit in
3) Trys TOO hard to fit in, changes image each year.
4) Ridiculed by most as a freak, wimp, weirdo, etc.
i think we are too isolated as a society now. we care more for ourselves than others. hell there are people who treat animals like people and people like shit and then they wonder why stuff like this happens. people need to start caring about each other again.
It's scary to me that this sort of thing is coming out of the high school crowd and into people I would personally think would have a better grip on reality, especially with a bright future, being in college and all. I guess I don't understand mental illness very well.
At least I haven't heard anybody blame guns this time.
I read he purchased a couple guns like five days ago. I don't have a problem with people being able to buy guns, but apperantly the background check procedures is a miserable failure. If you are on certain meds, and have certain conditions you should not be able to own a firearm of any kind.

I agree with Bob and Jason .. there are reports that this guy was acting strangly of late. There were probably enough signs that someone should have intervened.

Yeah, though I guess what do you do?
Lock up every kid on meds?
I mean therapy, meds, treatment, etc work for some people, some it don't.
Some go completely untreated.....

Don't try to understand mental illness.
You never will.

I think it's funny when people who aren't addicts try to treat people who are. How can you treat someone when you can't even relate to how they feel or what they are going through?
Yeah, though I guess what do you do?
Lock up every kid on meds?
I mean therapy, meds, treatment, etc work for some people, some it don't.
Some go completely untreated.....

Don't try to understand mental illness.
You never will.

I think it's funny when people who aren't addicts try to treat people who are. How can you treat someone when you can't even relate to how they feel or what they are going through?
When discussing how he would deal with the problems of airplane hi-jackings Archie Bunker said ... easy, when you get on the plane they pass out the pistols, and when you get off the plane you pass the pistols back in. ;)
