Manilla Road

Crystal Logic and Open The Gates are their best from their classic period. I really like their newest album Voyager as well. I still need to listen to a bunch of their albums though.
I bet they take it up the Manilla Road, yes sir....

I've only heard Crystal Logic. John Hughes metal.
Crystal Logic is my favourite.

Mystification is the only other old-era one I've heard, I have no idea why I never check out more albums from this band. Very good album, a little darker and less epic.
Invasion is good epic rock and roll
Metal - Fucking awesome heavy rock. QUEEN OF THE BLACK HOLE
Crystal Logic - Epic metal/heavy metal. Awesome
Open the Gates - Aggressive heavy metal, with some epic tunes. Ace as fuck
The Deluge - Like Open the Gates but slightly different. Heard once, but ruled
Mystification - Fucking awesome as fuck heavy metal.
Out of the Abyss - THRASHY epiciness. Ace
Alantis Rising - Cool songs only listened once.
Mark of the Beast - Progressive rock MR, extremely fucking awesome.
Gates of Fire -Good epic metal, a bit dense, but thoroughly awesome.
Voyager - Pretty kick ass. I have a review of it on UM. Epic goodness.

I fucking love Manilla Road. I'd say Mystification, Open the Gates, and Mark of the Beast are my favourites.
So, I bought a Manilla Road album because of that one Darkthrone song.

Tonight is the first time I have heard them because Crystal Logic arrived.

Holy fuck! This is what Robert E. Howard envisioned whilst writing Conan.
Ohhh man I haven't listened to Crystal Logic in forever. I need to. RIGHT NOW. But I don't have MP3s and ze turntable doesn't like to play at a consistent speed.