MANOWAR reacts to USA attacks !


marjo verdooren


MANOWAR has reacted to the recent attacks on the USA with the following statement + fans can download the song " Courage " for free with an exclusive video. Info to find in the statement. The purpose is that fans spread it to family and friends to give everybody courage to go on .....

Theo and Marjo Verdooren
Directors of the Worldwide Web Warriors, Official Manowar Homepage + webmasters

Set To MANOWAR's "Courage," Devoted Fan Creates Moving Video Tribute to

On behalf of the members of MANOWAR and The Kingdom Of Steel (MANOWAR's
official Web Site:, we extend our deepest sympathies
to the thousands affected by the tragic events of Tuesday, September 11,
2001. It was a day of enormous sorrow and unspeakable pain for our country
and the friendly nations around the world. We also hail and salute the
heroes who have been a part of the rescue effort in both New York City and
Washington, DC.

In tribute to these heroes, devoted MANOWAR fan Jeff Gagne has created an
uplifting video set to the band's anthem "Courage." This video shows
strength, determination, spirit, dignity, patriotism, and courage.

The members of MANOWAR and The Kingdom Of Steel wish to share this video
with the world. We invite you to download this video and e-mail it to your
friends and family worldwide. The song "Courage" can be found on the MANOWAR
CD Louder Than Hell.

You can view and download this video at

You will need Quicktime player installed to view this video. If you do
not have Quicktime you can download it at



I wonder if Manowar will scare off the terrorists by playing true metal, waving swords and throwing furry loin cloths at them! ;)


Raising the swords high while singing "Kings of Metal" really dont win any battles you know. :lol:

Or Joey Demeo might play one of his "Amazing" (amusing) bass solos at them. Now that is a scarey thought! ;)