Manowar to return to England in 2011?

Pissing blimey I wish I was at this one. Anyone remotely close should go at all costs, they put on a magnificent show. Incidentally, them re-recording Battle Hymns...bit disappointed about that.
Might have to make this one. Anybody else think it's slightly random that they'll be only playing in Birmingham, as opposed to say, only in London? Not that I have many complaints, it's closer for me!
Bizarre to say the least, anyone know why Birmingham? Gonna try and make it down anyway even if they don't announce any other dates, it's been a long time coming
Manowar will try to dress up playing in Birmingham as some sort of symbolic thing, as that is where heavy metal was supposed to have been created. Most likely it was the only venue of the kind of size they were looking for that was available at that time.
They are also playing at the Agora in Cleveland, Ohio, on March 12. I am going to that one!