Lunar Still

Doodle drawrer
Jan 14, 2006
I was driving home from work tonight, and there was a severe thunderstorm hanging over the city. I was listening to Manowar's Hail To England, and "Kill With Power" came on. Right as Eric sang "Die, Die!!!" the lightning stars going nuts up in the sky.

That's right, ladies and gents...Manowar is so metal, they control the weather.
Each Dawn I die.
" I taste the serpents poison, on the lips of the one I love.....She brings this gift of witchcraft......I wear the cat-skined-gloves.........." Just awesomeness, one of my fav songs. The band I used to be in used to cover this song, when I used to hit those notes, lol.
A Trace Of Blood said:
I listen to the tr003st metal that ever tr003d.

that's the problem with kids these days. They're too busy caught up in their image of being misanthropic and elite little bastards to dress up in loincloths and to slay their enemies with broadswords whilst raping the women and riding hellbikes through the fortresses of winged victory
Damn elitist commie scum. If only Manowar was around during Marx's time. He'd be too busy raping, pillaging and fighting the world in the name of Metal, the music of the gods, to worry about capitalism.