Manuela Kraller leaves Xandria

Finn Mac Cuhal

The Lurker in the Dark
Aug 30, 2012
Saw this on FB this morning on the Xandria page but it is also ob their official website.

"Hello everyone!
Probably to a big surprise for everyone in here, we are announcing Dianne van Giersbergen to be our new lead singer! Dianne, 28 years old and from the Netherlands, might be known to many from her Dutch band Ex Libris.

At the same time, Dianne’s arrival means the departure of Manuela Kraller, who regrettably decided to continue a different musical path. Certainly, that was a big shock to all of us hearing Manu say she wanted to try other things. With major regrets we had to let her go. Not an easy task to deal with, whilst the goal was untouchable: To continue the musical journey we had taken with “Neverworld’s End”. But: We are very happy to have found THE new voice and face in Xandria who will continue this fantastic ride, our last album “Neverworld’s End” had taken us to. And we are yet to sail way, way further with Dianne now!

Manuela thanks all fans and us in a personal statement:
“After three years with the boys in Xandria, I decided to follow a different path and go my own musical way. ” Manuela leaves with regret but also full of gratitude, thanking XANDRIA and fans for the time together and being grateful for the “wonderful moments in mutual tours and shows”. She is “wishing Dianne and band all the very best for the future!”.

Last weekend’s shows in Leipzig, Germany and in Pratteln (Switzerland) at the “Masters of Symphonic Metal” Festival have been the last concerts for Manuela performing together with XANDRIA.
We will certainly miss Manuela! We are also thankful for the magical time we shared and wish her all the best for the future!

BUT: The show must go on and it sure will! We promise, what began with “Neverworld’s End” was just a start and is yet to be taken to a higher level! Dianne will debut on stage with Xandria during our Spain tour in November.

We hope you all will be with us! The Dream is still alive! "

I am REALLY glad I saw them at ProgPowerUSA XIV.
Related to Anneke Van Giersbergen?

Cause that would be awesome...

Sad to see Manuella go, Neverworlds End was my favorite album.
Any news on what she's doing instead? Going to go preach with Roy Khan?
Yeah, disappointing. Real operatic vocals in power metal are still very rare, so replacing her will be difficult to say the least. I don't know anything about this new one, but I'll wait to judge until I hear a sample of her.
Interesting... I didn't get the impression that she was musically dissatisfied when I spoke with her for a bit at ProgPower. Then again, even if her departure was already brewing at the time, I suppose that's not the sort of thing one would let on when talking to random people at a party, lol.
Video debuted today - Heidi Parviainen and Manuela Kraller in a duet called "Memories Fall" for Dark Sarah´s debut album called "Behind The Black Veil" (episode I) .

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I'm so psyched for Dark Sarah. The two songs I've heard only serve to pump me up more, this is going to be awesome!
I will tell you one thing about Xandria that you may not know. Marco is obsessed with Nightwish. That's why they got Manu. Now Nightwish has a Dutch singer, Xandria gets a Dutch singer. It's no coincidence. I miss Lisa personally but I dearly love Dianne, Manu, and Kerstin too. They are all so sweet. The new song from Dark Sarah is awesome! And I can't wait to see Xandria this fall.