Marblebog - Forestheart

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
If you like Burzum, which I assume everyone here does, then you'de probably enjoy Marblebog. I have yet to purchase, but plan to in the not so distant future. The forthcoming hyperlink contains riffs that will resonate in your head for minutes after the song is done. I believe the rest of the album is not unlike this track, mid-tempo black metal might, with some ambient and acoustic breaks scattered through out.


The songs I heard by them were very good, but the problem with a lot of post Burzum stuff is that I'll always go back and listen to Burzum while once in a blue moon I'll go to something like Marblebog, Abyssic Hate, etc.
i rarely listen to Burzum. i never listened to Burzum Clone #1, Forgotten Woods, so chances of me ever listening to Marblebog are nil
Marbleblog is amazing. I do not campare it with Burzum, even if that's influenced by it. Marblebog's sound is really great. Raw, cold and yet emotional and touching. I own only "Csendhajnal", and the song "The Breath of Emptyness" really impressed me, I'm listening to it like everyday and still can't get enough. Although it's not a depressive/suicidal bm, - it's getting considered by it pretty often, as the whole sound is really depressing.
Definitely going to get "Forestheart"
From what I've heard thus far, I'm liking Marblebog.

I like this slower, mid-tempo, atmospheric BM a la Drudkh, Raventale, or Darkestrah. Not to hijack the thread, but its only got 8 posts in 9 months so what the hell, but can anyone offer more examples of this slower paced BM? I suppose Burzum's "Hyvis Lysett" and Ulver's "Bergtatt" are welcome choices as pioneers.