March Metal Meltdown...Let down...



Ok, so I attended Friday & Saturday and this place was an absolute shit hole. Now, I have been to several shit holes before but damn there was so much wrong with this place its unbelievable.

To start with, the parking was atrocious. When it takes you over an hour to leave there's something wrong. The parking attendant was a major LOSER! He actually wanted us to leave the car keys with him in case he needed to move the car. He had to be out of his F**cking mind.

I didn't like having to stand behind a chicken wire fence to drink. Damn, now that I think about it this was the absolute worse March Metal I have ever been too.

Now, here's the kicker to this whole experience I go downstairs to the merchandise booths and see Century Media's and looked around and notice not one Nevermore CD was there for sale. Rather odd I thought, so I asked where's the Nevermore CD's and I got and very vague answer that they didn't have any for sale. And, also noticed that Marco Barbieri kept his face down as to not look at me when an answer was being given. But, I was told that the new CD was going to be out July 1st.

Needless to say this Festival SUCKED! But, hey I got to see two AWESOME bands Darkane & Carnal Forge!

My bitch session is now complete....
Drinking behind chicken wire? You've got to be kidding! (I know you're not though). I would have done my best elephant man impression, and yelled..... "I am not an animal!"

And Century Media are doing playground politics. July 1st huh? Hm....I was just getting excited the other day, thinking of the countdown....only 3 more months to go! the happy dance. I pull out my favorite Nevermore and play them more now than ever, knowing the new one is coming. Shame on them for not having any of their stuff for sale. Shame. But that's century media, they have no shame.

Sorry it sucked so bad! But Carnal Forge, that made it worth it.
