Marillion (yeah, it's kinda OT)


Porno kitty
Feb 13, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I know there are a few of you here who are into Marillion to some degree, so I just thought I'd make a quick post now that I'm back from the convention... damn. Those guys rock. Brilliant band, brilliant performances, and the atmosphere is so very similar to ProgPower, it's just so much fun. It's really amazing the difference the fans themselves can make at events like these. The Swap/Join the Band (which I know has been brought up here before) was especially amazing this year--makes me a little sad there's nothing similar for ProgPower even though I know it probably wouldn't work anyway.

Anyway, thank god I have ProgPower and the Chicago Powerfest to look forward to or I'd be even more depressed about the convention being over! Is it September yet??

I always wanted to go, but never could afford to. I likely would have since they never would play a Progfest like NEARFEST or ProgDay, but luckily they finally toured the US last fall. Over 9 years waiting to see them, and finally i was able to drive to Chicago to see them.

They are expected to tour here again in June, and I likely will travel again to see them. Nothing against PP, but seeing Marillion again holds more meaning to me than any of the bands this year for PP.

One of these years I may try and see the Convention, and actually there is some talk of them holding it in Las Vegas 1 of these years. How Cool would that be?

I really love the 1st 4 Marillion albums. When Fish left so did most of my interest. I saw them once or twice on the the Season's End tour but really didn't like any releases after that. Don't really know if it is Hogarth's voice or what...but it just hasn't been the same for me since Fish left.
If it is anything like fugazi it is defintely not my style because I can not stand fugazi.
I will give them a try when I get around to it though.


Marillion is so amazing! "Marbles" is brilliant... and so is "Anaroknophobia"! I love all their stuff... Hogarth is a brilliant singer.
I am not a fan of most of the Fish-era stuff, so I certainly wouldn't recommed Script or Fugazi (but FWIW, they did 'Script' live at the last convention and 'Fugazi' (the songs) at this one), but Marillion are indeed a fantastic band. I think Anorak and Marbles have some of their strongest material to date, but it really depends on your tastes as to what I would recommend starting with. They're so very diverse.

As for Radiation, though it seems to be the red-headed stepchild of Marillion albums, the material they did live went over great--they played some real surprising stuff from it, including Born to Run and Now She'll Never Know. they also played AFWFTD, which is intensely moving... you should have heard the crowd singing "or you could love..." Chill bumps just remembering!! And, if you can count it as being from Radiation and if my memory can be trusted, because I can still hardly believe it, they also did the Big Beat version of Memory of Water...!!

As for attending a convention, it's like comparing a regular show with ProgPower... no comparison. If you ever get a chance, go, Kyle, though I have my doubts as to how likely a US convention is. They're apparently talking of doing another one next November, and there's been some talk of Holland but I suspect it will be in England again. Regardless, it's well worth it. Much like ProgPower, I'd miss one only if I couldn't possibly help it. Been to all 3 so far and have loved every one. In addition to the 2 DVDs of AoS and Brave live, they released one this weekend called Wish You Were Here which features other performances and sundry other items from the first two conventions. It was only 25 pounds and is 4 discs.

As for Marbles catching on... it took a few spins but it caught me. Neverland is so fantastic live. Now *that* album has some moving material too. Hell, I could talk about Marillion all day, so I'll shut up now. :)

yes. OC is a phenomenal track. Genie is also a great tune..very Beatles-esque.

I wasn't able to get a campaign additiopn at the show in Chicago because they were sold out when I got to the venue. I hope they'll have some this summer, but in the meantime I have my 2 disc version burned. The other 2 missing tracks, The Only Unforgiveable Thing and The Damage are both good as well.

I love Marillion (both Fish and Hogarth eras). Alot of it depends on your taste. There were fans that hated the .com album (I however loved it), I liked This Strange Engine and as for the more recent releases I've been disappointed. A friend did get me to listen to Marbles on his ipod and I only found a couple tracks that I felt were good. Maybe I should keep continuing to give it a spin???

All I know is I fell in love with the old and 80's era of Marillion and would like to see a bit more of that sort of flavor in their recent releases.
I certainly consider myself a Marillion fan, but when I think of Marillion, it's still the Fish era that comes to mind for me. Misplaced Childhood is my favorite album of all time, and the other three Marillion albums featuring Fish are all classics, IMO.

I think the Hogarth era started off nicely with Seasons End, but frankly most of the Hogarth material just puts me to sleep...and I stuck with them all the way through Anoraknophobia, even though I hadn't really liked anything since Afraid of Sunlight. I even ponied up the big bucks for the pre-order special edition of Anoraknophobia. That disc was just as boring as the several that came before, so I broke the habit and vowed not to buy another Marillion disc. I have successfully avoided purchasing Marbles.

By the way, a message for Stoink: When Fugazi is mentioned in this thread, it's the name of Marillion's second album (edgy progressive rock, inspired by Genesis) has nothing to do with the hardcore band Fugazi.
If you have Marbles and like it at all, you definitely have to get a hold of the missing 2-disc version tracks. I'm in love with 'The Damage' now even though I didn't really like it to start with, and OC and TOUT are marvelous as well, and I quite like Genie, too. Honestly, the only song I don't really like is on the 1-disc version (Angelina). But Ocean Cloud may very well be the hands-down fan favorite (pesonally, I like Neverland better, but that's like saying I like Rage for Order better than Mindcrime...). You *have* to hear it. I can send anyone who wants them the mp3s if you don't want to pony up 20 pounds before hearing them, but I don't have access to an FTP site or anything.

As for h being boring, well, I've heard that complaint before, but I heartily disagree. Different strokes & all. :)

Babs--what's your favorite Hogarth stuff and maybe I can recommend which tracks on Marbles might grab you?

lady_space said:
Babs--what's your favorite Hogarth stuff and maybe I can recommend which tracks on Marbles might grab you?

Hi Shaye! I loved the Season's End cd, also I loved Hogarth's solo cd "h". "h" I listen to from start to finish and can sing every lyric to. I can't remember the track on Marbles I heard, but it just seemed like Steve was whining through the whole song, it was brutal.