Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me


Apr 25, 2007
Downloaded it today...

As a long time Marilyn Manson fan (of over 10yrs). They were one of the biggest influences of my life at the time, this was of course way before I got into extreme metal. And after a couple disappointing albums (in particular TGAOG) I began to lose interest in the 'band.' So for the past 4 years I've been awaiting this album and even with 'lowered' expectations I can honestly say I am still quite disappointed. I was pleasantly 'impressed' with the two tracks that had been put out earlier, but the rest of the album maybe isn't that great. I've only listened to it once through in its entirety...if anyone else has what are your thoughts?

If you don't like this band then don't bother posting. Or if you watch too much MTV and can't think for yourself with the idea that Marilyn Manson is a "shock-rocker" who's goal is to "shock" people, then don't bother posting.
I agree with you. I've only heard the two previously released songs, and wasn't very impressed with them. But if the rest of the album can't even hold up to that, then it sounds like a real disappointment. I even liked a couple of songs on TGAOG, but he'll never top Mechanical Animals.
I'm disappointed that they lost John 5. That guy is an incredible guitarist, and it's a shame that he's gone. On the bright side, at least he can continue with his career, Manson-free. Either way, I feel that as a band, they have been getting progressively worse after Mechanical Animals. To be fair, Holy Wood was a good album, but after that it went way downhill. I'd love to hear another Mechanical Animals, but at the same time I realize that he just doesn't have it in him anymore.
The new John 5 is alright, it's good if you're into that sort of album I suppose. Ironic that this album is more guitar-oriented in his absence.

I listened to the new album a few more times, and I suppose its decent, certainly far from anything great. As far as I'm concerned Mechanical Animals and Antichrist Superstar are his best for sure. Portrait was a great debut, Holy Wood was good but a bit watered-down, and I was quite disappointed with GAOG. EMDM is probably my least favourite, but I haven't decided.

At least I still have the new London After Midnight to look forward to :)
Eat me.Drink me is probloly one of the coolest album names ever by one of the worst bands in history.

And despite being nothing short of the coolest I'm sure, that's probably the worst attempt at spelling the word 'probably' I've ever seen.
I've actually grown to like the new album, quite a bit more than the 'Golden Age' and I will buy it when it comes out.
Cant believe they're opening up for Slayer this summer.
Whats it called, "Money-hungry tour" ?

Personally I'm stoked. I get to see Slayer again and I'm sure even though I'm not a MM fan he'll put on a much more interesting show then they usual shitty metalcore groups that open for Slayer.
You know what? I recently checked out MM's myspace and I had the opportunity to sample ALL the tracks off the new album, in their entirety....which is cool. In any case, I'm surprised to say that this is actually some good material right here from Manson. I disliked it at first, but yeah, it's definitely a grower. I still don't know if I'd buy it, but it's definitely not shit.
I listened to the new cd on MM's myspace page as well, and I just can't get into it. I'm a bit disappointed that it hasn't grown on me yet. I love Mechanical Animals and most of his other cds. Even though things weren't up to par on TGAOG, I still really enjoyed a couple of the songs on it. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the new one. I thought that If I Was Your Vampire and Heart Shaped Glasses were okay, but none of the other songs really stood out for me.
I felt the same way at first, and listened to the album about a thousand times in the first couple days and still couldn't decide if I liked it or not...however, since then it grew on me and I really enjoy it. As a long time fan, its obvious to me that he will never top his first three albums but EMDM overall is a good effort. I'm pleased with it, but still it can't be compared to his earlier albums. I do get the feeling that the album was maybe rushed a bit too much, and think there's a great potential in the album that maybe wasn't utilized because of it (ie. the title track was good but had potential to be great).

Some of the songs remind me of others. "You and Me and the Devil Makes 3" reminds me of "New Model No. 15," the overall vibe and beat to the song and the 'clapping' etc...And "Eat Me, Drink Me" reminds me of "Coma White" but those just not nearly as good as the Mechanical Animal material.

My opinions on songs have changed a bit since my first listen. The only song that I can say I dislike is "Are You the Rabbit?" or maybe the chorus on "They Said Hell's Not Hot."
I have the new album now, it's not that bad but it has too many pop elements for my likings. Of course mm always had some in it but this goes over the top. His previous albums were better but yet it's not too bad
I have the new album now, it's not that bad but it has too many pop elements for my likings. Of course mm always had some in it but this goes over the top. His previous albums were better but yet it's not too bad

I agree the new album is very pop-ish, but then again so was Mechanical Animals...however, I'm just glad the whole GOAG era is over with. I really disliked that era, not just the music (which wasn't that bad) but I also didn't like his image. And I just bought the actual cd just now for $11.99, cool...