Marketing and Metal


New Metal Member
May 5, 2010
Hey guys, I'm a college student and a metalhead. I'm graduating with an advertising degree soon and for my capstone project I decided to focus on something that I actually liked: metal.

I chose this forum because seems pretty well rounded (i.e. there's black, doom, power, death, etc). I'll be asking a few questions throughout the course of the day.

Question #1

Scion and Rockstar have put on some decent tours/festivals recently -- Scion even put theirs on for free.

When a company performs such sponsorship, and if the concert itself is top notch, how do you feel about the situation? The company sponsoring event? The bands involved? Do you think more or less of either?

Your answers don't have to be specific, just give me some overall impressions of your feelings on metal sponsorship done right.

Don't give a shit. When bands start doing product placement ("This is our new song, Drowned In Rockstar Energy Drink"), it'll bother me. Otherwise, it's a necessary evil to get the concerts going. That said, haven't seen any actually good tours or festivals that had corporate sponsorship.
I have yet to see a decent tour sponsored by a corporation. It's almost always the trendy bands or the big fuckyou trying to make a comeback 80s bands
Because my metal interest is very niche, these tours rarely have enough bands I'd want to see to actually check them out. I did want to see the one with Mastodon, DragonForce, and Disturbed (oh and ugh Slipknot) a couple years back, but I was living in the middle of nowhere for the summer and missed out.

As for the energy drinks, well, I like Rockstar, so, if they give free drinks at the festival, I'm all for it. :D
The Jagermeister tour had a few decent bands at one time. Specifically the 2004 tour with Slayer, Killswitch Engage, and Mastodon.

I have yet to see a decent tour sponsored by a corporation. It's almost always the trendy bands or the big fuckyou trying to make a comeback 80s bands

(looks at his above statement) :lol: ya...