
Thanks fellahs! Here are some pictures.




Wearing my jacket before the ceremony! Haha.
awesome dude! congrats to you and mrs!!!

anything else you want to tell us? :loco:
Shit man, I had to go and interrupt Hell Mike's shower to tell him this most crazy awesome news.. CONGRATS from us here in sweden!
Wow, there's a shocker! Congratulations, save your honeymoon for a few months and make it a summer festival tour through Europe with a wee stop in Sweden to visit. And make babies! Lots and lots of babies! And name them all Hell [name] Tully
Congrats, Tully! In a snap you went from that long haired guy in a fuzzy coat with big sunglasses and chicks all around him, to this. Aww :)
Woah, didn't see that one coming!

Congrats, man! I'll raise a glass for you and the misses tonight when I'm rocking out to Candlemass and Grave Digger! :kickass:
Well, knew about the engagement but not that it was going to happen so soon, totally ace anyway!
Tully, your current look reminds me of this guy from Return of the Living Dead. Then again, he also looks a bit like Doomsniffer the longer I look at it :loco:


(and hey, that chick's nekkid!)