Marshall 1960...JCM800 vs. 900?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I know the JCM800 used 65 OR t75, the JCM900 uses t75.

so assuming we have a JCM800 with t75 and a JCM900 with the SAME speakers....will they sound diffierent?
is there any difference at all (besides the mono vs. stereo input) or is it just what the little sign on the bottom left is saying?

Does anyone KNOW if the JCM800 and JCM900 1960 cabs are the same?
Some of the 800 cabs were made with different ply wood and had a ply back cover. I'm pretty sure the back cover on the 900 cabs are MDF. A lot of people believe this makes a big difference on the sound. I've got an 800 cab, with V30's in it, and it sounds huge. It's the old style construction. It weighs a shitload compared to the newer 900/modern 1960 cabs.
the "problem" is...
I have an jcm800 1960 and also a jcm900 one,...
I just can't really compare them cause the 800 is caulked and has 8Ω t75 in it (been replaced I guess).

actually...I've never tried recording the caulked/sealed JCM800...should perhaps do that
I've not caulked my one, I should do that sometime. In fact, it could be a task for the weekend if I've got the time. I've not been in the back of my cab to tighten things up for a long time. Should do that really.
I have a 1960 jcm900 and the screws are tight as hell...I broke my hand everytime. It's the front panel that has some losen screws here and there because they are bad mounted on the frame....Anyway I caulked the front panel all around with glue.
My 1960A from 92 have tigh screw too.
Btw, interesting question Lasse, I asking myself the same but couldn't find lot of answer:erk:
My JCM800 cab has ONE 16-ohm input and that's it. No output. Pretty sure mine's an older cab. But like, the main difference I've noticed are in the Celestions. They're T75s, but they're made in England. Newer cabs have Chinese-made Celestions. I dunno.