Marshall buzz help


Aug 2, 2009
Hey guys, I'm recording a band that is more of a general old school riff rock feel and I have everything sounding GODLY. My problem is we are quadtracking guitars with a 2nd year Marshall JCM800 (vintage baby!) and a Splawn Quickrod. Splawn sounds great, the marshall as well except for the buzz they give off from being bright. First time recording a non high gain marshall and wondered if you had any ideas for controlling that top end grain?
these amps do have a lot of mids, which can be your friend or your enemy, play with the mid knob a bit
as far as I recall the presence sits around 3k and the treble around 10k.
so the presence knob actually tweaks the high mids....
use this in combination with your mid know to get the desired midrange grind and then dial back the treble till the fizz disappears