Marshall JCM 900 SL-X vs Engl e350


formerly Skeksis268
Dec 30, 2008
Coventry, UK
EDIT: MISTAKE that should be 530, not 350

Purely hypothetically ;):D

If I could get these for the same price (£350), and have access to 2 other tube heads with passable power sections (Ashdown FA-60H and an old 100W laney head of my brothers), which should I get?

Obviously the Marshall is a 1 channel amp, but it's great at what it does.

However, I get the feeling that the e530 will be much more flexible and allow me to get a wider range of metal tones.

Any advice?
JCM 900 is one of the worst amps ever.
go for the engl

there is no "The" 900...
the 4100 Dual Reverb is indeed not that great (that's what the 900 series has the bad name from)...the MKIII is really nice (especially with a slight mod) and the SLX is absolutely great...I'd like to have one.
+1 to Jeid and Lasse's comments. The SL-X is a fucking awesome amp, I'm sure it was a staple amp used in the earlier Kreator albums, which have a killer tone IMO, and some of the vids I've heard of the SL-X on Youtube sound amazing as well.

Wish I had the money to take yours off your hands Jeid, if I wasn't currently unemployed I'd be all over it.
there is no "The" 900...
the 4100 Dual Reverb is indeed not that great (that's what the 900 series has the bad name from)...the MKIII is really nice (especially with a slight mod) and the SLX is absolutely great...I'd like to have one.

I have a dual reverb and with no processing and being able to count on one hand how many times I've really miced a cab I get by OK with it.

Better than what I can do with sims anyway.
I have a dual reverb and with no processing and being able to count on one hand how many times I've really miced a cab I get by OK with it.

Better than what I can do with sims anyway.

yeah, not saying it's shit at all, it's just not really the best (IMO) amp marshall has ever made....with a solder iron and some skills it can be turned into a monster though!

I'd still take a stock 4100 over a powerball any day
+1 to Jeid and Lasse's comments. The SL-X is a fucking awesome amp, I'm sure it was a staple amp used in the earlier Kreator albums, which have a killer tone IMO, and some of the vids I've heard of the SL-X on Youtube sound amazing as well.

Wish I had the money to take yours off your hands Jeid, if I wasn't currently unemployed I'd be all over it.

John's beaten you to the punch there. I had a few bits of interest but it took a fair price drop to get it sold.

Sad to see it go, but not recording a lot or in a band just now. Still got the 6505.
I took the amp out last night as it'd been sitting away for about a month, checking it over. And thought I'd do my last little re-amp through it.

Settings are.
Pres: 5
Bass: 6
Mid: 4
Treble: 5
Volume: 3
Gain: 17
Preamp: 7

OD808 in front, can't recall the settings off the top of my head, but I think it was
Gain: 9 o clock
Tone: 11 o clock
Volume: 3 o clock

Mic'd with an SM57 on a Marshall JCM800 1935 4x12 with V30's. I'm no expert like some of the guys around here, so it's probably not a fair representation. I've used a track that was put up for mixing on here.