Marshall JCM2000 TSL60 Tonez


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I've got a dude interested in trading me his TSL60 for my B52 AT100, but i really dig the at100, even though the Marshall is worth more.

Please post TSL clips, or post your opinions on this amp!
I did a retube and bias of a friends TSL recently with a set of JJ's. Went from meh to everyone in his band telling him he's found his tone. I like the TSL a lot, but it seems to be one of those amps that people are polarized on.

The older ones have a flaw in the main board design that causes the ground plane to heat up the PCB and make it into a thermistor.
All good info, this will actually take a bit longer as I think my B52 has a bad coupling capacitor(s), so I'm waiting on new parts for it, but i'm messing with running it without power tubes and just using it as a preamp into impulses today. i totally dig it.