Marshall jvm series (205 vs 410)


Aug 28, 2006
Ok so i have the option to buy either amp but is there any major difference
in sound between the 2?

the 205 being the cheaper option id go for if there wasnt any differences
plus i dont need all the channels the 410 has to offer.

but id obviously pick the 410 over the 205 if it sounded a hell of alot better

any suggestions, im not able to try both heads out head to head
and i cant find any real comparisons on the net im hopeing someone on here
can give me some advice

I own a JVM 410 and I can provide some reamps for you to listen to if
you want. Do you have any DI's that you would like to hear thru the JVM ?

I could reamp the Holy diver DI's or the guitar tone competition DI's if
you want.

I am not at all happy with mine because I am looking for a different
sound than what it makes.

If you love the sound of the following amps then you probably don't
want a JVM : 5150, Dual Rec, Uberschall, Engl.
the Holy Diver DI's would be great man;

the issue is iv'e tried the amp and i like it alot, but there is way to many features on the 410 i just wont use!
i cant find a 205 to try out, but the price is alot cheaper and the options appeal more to me,
would i be missing out on anything getting the 205 over the 410 or do both amps generally sound the same
bar the obvious the 205 is a 50 watt model.

''If you love the sound of the following amps then you probably don't
want a JVM : 5150, Dual Rec, Uberschall, Engl.''

this maybe isnt so good, its really hard for me to tell what an amp REALLY sounds like compared to playing it in the store
to actually using it in my band or for recording, i have also went through a shitload of amps

triple xxx, 6505, jcm800kk, engl fireball.

suprisingly the fireball being my fav so far but theres this fizz issue with it i cant get my head around
and i had issues with the other amps that i wont go into.

im looking for the tightness of the engl but with the marshall crunch i guess, i know the 6505 get praised on here
but to me that amp just sounded like a bloody mess to be honest, the jcm800 was awesome but lacked so much bottom end
and seemed thin to me at band practice.

id love to try a dual rec but ive been told they just sold like an untight engl lol

basically when i get the jvm (if i get it) the engl goes or the jvm does then i try something else until i find something
thats more suited to me than the engl which i havent found so far.

but yeah to narrow it down if the 205 sounds exactly like the 410 ill get one,
or if this really is a pointless move seeing as i have the engl fireball please someone say so
and ill save the hassle and look into something else lol

haha if u havent guessed yet im one of those NEVER HAPPY guitarists.
ive also been through a stupid amount of difference cabs and again im never happy

bring on the DI's and give me some info on the set up and i can do some comparisons
with some of my gear dude.
OK, I will do some reamps for you.

Judging by your comments, such as :
"6505 : that amp just sounded like a bloody mess"
"the jcm800 was awesome"
"dual rec : they just sold like an untight engl"

I think this means that you will like the JVM, its just not for me because I
love all those amps that you dont like.

All of the DI's that I have, have been specifically designed to sound good
thru the amps you hate so it would be MUCH better if you sent me some
DI's of your own playing otherwise I dont think you will get a good sense
of the sound.
Also, the 410 has 12 modes ( 4 channels with green, orange, red ) so
you will have to tell me what you want.
The reamps will be thru a mesa boogie rectifier 2X12 cab or a marshall
JCM900 cab and mics are SM57 and a MD421 but please it would be best
if you gave me some instructions about what you want.

I have never tried a 205 but I would guess that it sounds the same as the 410.
OK here you go, some short reamp snippets thru the JVM410H.

You probably wont like the DI I chose or the amp settings I chose
but I did this on purpose to illustrate the bass response of the JVM.

Basically, I dialed up as much bass as I could without completely
destroying the sound so the resulting reamps are completely unusable
in a mix but I must admit it is quite impressive how well the JVM handles
the low end of the spectrum, better than my 6505 or Uberschall in my opinion.

The following parameters are common to all reamps below :
- A Fulltone OCD was used in front of the amp ( Vol=12:00, Drive=9:00, Tone=9:00 ).
- Preamp settings of the JVM ( Vol=12:00, Bass=3:00, Mid=10:00, Treble=3:00, Gain=100% ).
- Power amp settings of the JVM ( Resonance=3:00, Presence=3:00 )
- A mesa boogie rectifier 2x12 cab.
- THD hotplate ( bassBoost=engaged, trebleBoost=not engaged )
- Recording volume was low.

OD1 Channel using red mode recorded with a MD421.

OD1 Channel using red mode recorded with a SM57.

OD2 Channel using red mode recorded with a MD421.

OD2 Channel using red mode recorded with a SM57.
OK I admit it, those first ones I posted were ridiculous.

Here is a reamp of the Holy Diver DI's with no pedal in front,
just the raw Marshall sound.

OD1 Channel using orange mode recorded with a MD421.

OD1 Channel using orange mode recorded with a SM57.

OD1 Channel using red mode recorded with a MD421.

OD1 Channel using red mode recorded with a SM57.
nice thanks man ill check these out when i get home from work! lol

any chance u could do some di with the marshall cab, sm57
in the sneap position, maybe just have an inch from the dusk cap.
could u also tell me how loud ur recording these at?
as in the amp volumne, is it bedroom vol or u actually crankin the amp?

cheers man

ill defend the recto in my previous comments cause ive never had a chance
to record one thats just what ive been told about em, but i could never get the 6505 to sound great bar when i had my VHT fat bottom cab which i very foolishly sold :puke:

i still prefer the engl over it any day though, but yeah loved the jcm 800kk
but again something missing from it.
Well if you love the Marshall qualities, the typical high mids, but feel that the 800 is somewhat limiting, chances are the JVM will be your amp. It sounds more modern than the 800 but still has Marshall written all over it... love it or hate it.

For a great representation of what the 410 is able to do, just listen to the new Megadeth. And for good examples of the 205, just check Felix Neumann's recordings on here.

Fireball and JVM are very different.
cool cheers, n sorry to be a pain but can u leave the thd hotplate
out of the loop etc


marshall cab
57 - position as suggested above.

that will give me a really good idea as thats how ive recorded all my
other amps and i should manage to compare the tones fairly closely this way
i hope.

my clips i have arent a full vol either around bedroom vol, wouldnt be
any point comparing clips where one cabs got some real speaker movement going on and the other hasnt so yeah low vol would be good too.
Funny enough ive been listening to the new megadeth album a hell of alot and thats how i came across the JVM
or thats what made the JVM catch my eye anyways, wheres these Felix Neumann clips u speak of?
thanks man, shit there's a huge difference in bottom end with the mesa and Marshall, I didn't think the mesa cabs had such low end ( well i knew they had low end but not a difference as much as i just heard),

curious now but what cab to you prefer with the head?

I think im going to go for the jvm410, i don't want to take the chance getting the 50 watt 205 and being disapointed, i think i may also fork out cash for a mesa cab, ive always wanted one.

my step dads in the process of making me an Iso box so a mesa 2x12 would
prob go really well for recording with the JVM 410 and the Iso box

(got neighbours can crank my cab without one :mad:)

ill maybe post a shoot out with the fireball vs 410 when i get this all set up

thank for the clips though helped me make a decision atleast :)
I prefer the Mesa cab myself, it seems to sound better if you want a metal sound.
Please note that the reamps I posted using the Marshall cab had the microphone
pointing directly at the centre of the speaker so the sound has heaps of treble.
I NEVER point the microphone at the centre of the speaker when using the Mesa
cab because it is very fizzy so you cannot directly compare the cabs with the
reamps I posted.
I read your post about the Sneap position, did I understand your post correctly ?
Is the Sneap position :
- Directly pointing at the centre of the speaker but 1/2 an inch back.
I bought the 205H new £800 great amp but I need more headroom. I went back to my little store and very politely asked them, can I swap it for the 210H?
Well, they rang Marshall and everything is cool I just have to stoke up the extra £226 they price matched with GAK UK. My local store has to order everything in so I kinda took a chance on the 50watt but it's just not got enough puff. You can only drive a car max 70mph here but you want a car to do the naughty side of 90 right?
I play mainly though a mini Marshall 4x12, Mesa Rec 2x12, Blackstar 1x12 just depends on the venue. Sometimes I'll play in front of 50 people next could be 5000. I had a Mesa Mark V it's too fussy for me, had many great heads EVH 100, HK Switchblade, Marshall JCM 2000 and back to where I started good old Marshall.
You can access everything you need on the front panel of a JVM210H not like the Malmsteen head. If I get a gig and have to be real quiet I'll turn the cab facing the wall and crank it but these modern amps sound pretty good at any volume. I didn't go for the 410H didn't want all those knobs.
50 or 100 GOT TO BE 100WATTS. Get Rockin Guys.