
The Rhone

Nov 8, 2006
Bromley, Kent
There’s nothing I like doing better every Saturday than jamming with my band. I wait all week to finally be able to hook up my 5150 into my Mode 4 cab, turn up the volume, kick some ass and listen to that warm tone come flooding out of the speakers.

Whilst taking a beer break the studio guy stuck his head round the corner and said, “Hey mate, wanna try this”, in his hand he had this tiny amp head which turned out to be a Marshall VS100 (Valvestate) Head. I sighed and since I was taking five I said ok. To my surprise when he turned it on this amp truly ripped, I couldn’t believe how much grunt this thing had. Now it certainly ain’t a 5150, but it held its own and I was totally amazed.

The studio guy told me that you can pick these things up for £100-£150 second hand off eBay!! The upshot is I’m gonna track one down and use it as an optional tone for to my 5150. Great tone from a small amp, thought I’d pass on the news.
There’s nothing I like doing better every Saturday than jamming with my band. I wait all week to finally be able to hook up my 5150 into my Mode 4 cab, turn up the volume, kick some ass and listen to that warm tone come flooding out of the speakers.

Whilst taking a beer break the studio guy stuck his head round the corner and said, “Hey mate, wanna try this”, in his hand he had this tiny amp head which turned out to be a Marshall VS100 (Valvestate) Head. I sighed and since I was taking five I said ok. To my surprise when he turned it on this amp truly ripped, I couldn’t believe how much grunt this thing had. Now it certainly ain’t a 5150, but it held its own and I was totally amazed.

The studio guy told me that you can pick these things up for £100-£150 second hand off eBay!! The upshot is I’m gonna track one down and use it as an optional tone for to my 5150. Great tone from a small amp, thought I’d pass on the news.

The old valvestates do rip ass, ive got one as a practice amp. really good tone through a set of decent speakers, ill get mine rigged up this week and do a test..
oh and i got mine for £15, it was in a bit of a state, so i replaced all the pots, retolexed it customised it blah, blah, blah. It was also the VS8080 combo in its previous life, it was converted to a head way before i got me hands on it!!!
