"Martin Walkyier's Viking Funeral"


Jan 19, 2010
Nr Maidstone, Kent
BOOK SAT 22ND SEPT off and support Martin Walkyier's lil Festival in Nottingham - I know I'm gonna be there! Col.

Having become severely disillusioned with the current UK metal music scene, world-renowned Pagan lyricist and front-man Martin Walkyier (The Clan Destined, ex-Skyclad & ex-Sabbat) has decided to organise his very own all-day Heathen music festival entitled "Martin Walkyier's Viking Funeral" at the Nottingham Irish Centre for Saturday September the 22nd 2012. Martin Walkyier is widely accredited as being the proud 'pagan-god-father' of underground British heavy metal; the true inspiration behind Cradle Of Filth and also as the instigator of the Bloodstock Open Air festival. Despite all these truly noble efforts Martin has generally been ignored by the vast majority of Britain's metal music press - a fact which has driven him to abject despair upon numerous occasions. The way he currently looks at it is that it's far better to go out with a massive bang (!!!) than a with a feeble whimper, so any bands out there who desire to appear at this event should contact him ASAP either via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/martin.walkyier.5 or www.theclandestined.com
Bit more info that I've gleaned from T'net

Martin's 45th birthday falls on September 20th, and basically he just wants to throw a massive Pagan party with live music, onstage performers and heathen entertainment for all those who wish to attend. The Nottingham Irish Centre is a most fabulous venue with a 450-500 capacity, proper decent beers on tap and a selection of fine carnivorous & vegetarian foods available. Martin has no desire to earn any money from this event, just to ensure that a truly fantastic time is had by all. Unlike the vast majority of the current UK music festivals, Martin's Viking Funeral will be FREE OF CHARGE to all those who desire to attend; purely on a first-come-first-served basis!!! If the fan's response should prove to be overwhelming, then I suppose Martin will have to either come up with an alternative venue or else conjure-up another plan. Martin Walkyier (vocalist) has not performed any Skyclad songs live in the UK for the last 12 years, but plans to perform a headline set of these classic Pagan folk metal tunes together with Emilio Souto & Jacqui Taylor (lead guitars), Elizabeth Prendergast (violin & vocals), Simon Cliffe (bass) and Matias Pena (drums). Any like-minded bands who wish to appear at this most prestigious event should apply to him either via his Martin Walkyier profile on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/martin.walkyier.5) or else contact The Clan Destined by email directly: theclandestined@googlemail.com No fees will be paid to anyone for their performances, and all and any profits raised from this MW Viking Funeral festival will be given directly to Cancer Research UK. No percentages shall be taken from anyone for selling their band's c.d.s & merchandise, and all the bands who appear there will receive a FREE allocated table space from which to sell all their merch; plus a decent backline and PA. video filming options, some drinks and basic catering rider supplied.

Made of WIN!!
Martin will be playing a headline set of classic Skyclad folk metal tunes together with Emilio Souto & Matias Pena (Skiltron), plus Simon Gimli Cliffe, Elizabeth Prendergast, Pete Hawthorne & Jacqueline Taylor.
Says Martin: "Admission to this event is absolutely FREE of charge; All we ask in return is that you each kindly make a small, or large as you like, charitable contribution to Cancer Research UK on the day."
The line-up includes Eibon la Furies, Bull-Riff Stampede, Severed Heaven, Rezinwolf, Cynegetics, A Vulgar Picture and Khthon; plus 'stand-up misery' from Grim Rita, a vast plethora of varied Pagan artistes & very special guest performers to be confirmed

:hotjump: Goodo!!
Just 3 Sleeps and this is all GO!!!!

FREE GIG but you are asked to make a small donation to CANCER RESEARCH UK :Smokedev:


14.00-1430 Aonia

15.00-15.40 Bull-Riff Stampede

16.00-16.40 Cynegetics (SCUM)

17.00-17.40 Severed Heaven

18.00-18.40 Rezinwolf

19.00-19.40 Khthon

20-00-20.40 Northern Oak

22.00- 22.40ish Martin Walkyier's Skyclad and friends.