Marty Friedman news

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
According to, Marty is set to do another album. When I read this I wasn't to excited as his last couple have been pretty ordinary.

But this is where I was suprised - he has enlisted Deen Castronovo for the drum track. The last time these two worked together was Dragon's Kiss (If I remember correctly...) Deen is well known for his work on instrumental guitar albums with guitarists including Marty, Tony MacAlpine and Steve Vai.

I hope this means that the album will be heavy? Well one can only hope...
Marty is brilliant.

Cacophony is his greatest work I think. Him and Jason Becker... phwoar! They put Vai, Malmsteen, and pretty much every virtuoso shredder of the 80's to shame with that album.

Malmsteen's a cockhead though. Rising Force sucks, only his occasional catchy song like Heaven Tonight and Teaser is good.