Mary's Blood - All girl Japanese shred metal!

I don't know what's more offensive....metalheads acting like pigs, or someone who thinks that just because the band is made up of "girls", it's a gimmick. I guess an "all guy" band should be considered a gimmick too?

I bought this album last night off of iTunes....really good stuff! I hear a lot of old Loudness in it, some Anthem, and much of the music reminded me of Marty Friedman solo work. I dig it!
I don't know what's more offensive....metalheads acting like pigs, or someone who thinks that just because the band is made up of "girls", it's a gimmick. I guess an "all guy" band should be considered a gimmick too?

I probably could have worded that better. To clear that up, when it's touted as an "all female band", yes it's a gimmick. If it's legitly just "This band" and no reference to the sex of the musicians, it's much better. I'd consider the same stupid gimmick of calling a band "all black" or "all gay" or "all anything."

Fuck, even "Female Lead" being it's own genre is somewhat ridiculous. I didn't see anyone throwing Voyager shit like this for having a female guitar player, and that's how it should be. She can shred. It shouldn't matter that she's a her.

It's great that metal is getting a more diverse range of types of people from all backgrounds, but that doesn't mean it's ultimately not still incredibly sexist/racist/homophobic.

I can't remember a band was touted to me as an "all male" band, since that is the overwhelming majority.
I think when bands are marketed as "LOOK AT THIS BAND THEY ARE FEMALE FRONTED," they're trying to hard and it just annoys me.
It's about the music, I could give a shit about who is in the band, as long as they're trying their best and putting out great music.
Mary's Blood sounds pretty good, I wasn't sure about her voice at first, but I like em a lot after hearing the whole song.
Both Nailz & No Username are in the wrong.

Diff between me and Nailz is that I am kidding.
They are OK musicians and the song is also OK, but nothing I would go out of my way to buy. And I say this, not because they are all female but because they are OK. If you close your eyes and listen, and are blown away by the music and the vocalist sounds great, what difference does their sex make? There are only so many hours in a day you can spend listening to music...and if it is just OK it is not worth the time.
It would be nice to get to the point where having female musicians in a metal band isn't just a novelty. Unfortunately right now it is.

No Username, I agree that they could be considered average at what they do, tho I do see a lot of people on this forum go ga-ga over bands whom I think are nothing special. All that is in the eye of the beholder.
There are only so many hours in a day you can spend listening to music...and if it is just OK it is not worth the time.

Well, there's a lot of good music to be heard from "average" bands, and if being just "OK" in general is not worth the time, then we're all screwed. But I guess having incredibly high standards for music kinda make sense when you (as in "we") probably spend most of the day working an "OK" job, eating "OK" food, driving an "OK" car, rooting for an "OK" sports team....etc. I guess we all have to pick and choose our spots in life, right?