Massacre on the Fjords - A Scottish metal band needs your help!!


New Metal Member
We are a 5 peice progressive metal band from Livingston, Scotland and we have been selected along with seven other bands to be voted for in a competition to win an opening slot at Perth's annual Ragnarok Metal Festival!!
In order to win this competition we have to get the most votes in a poll on their web forum, and since you all wanna see Massacre on the Fjords play at a monsterous metal festival you should vote for us by doing the following....

Click here and register with the forum :

Then click here to go to the thread in the forum and vote for us :

You can listen to us on our myspace :
or if you click here you can listen to an instrumental demo of a song called "...Like an Arrow that Pierces the World"

If you guys do us proud (which i hope you will) we may well end up playing at Scotland's biggest metal festival.
So please please please do vote for us, we'd appreciate it a lot.
Thanks guys, keep it metal!!!