Massive Attack's "Mezzanine" anyone?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Greatest trip-hop record ever record, for sure! Even tops the immortal Portishead (although, overall, PH is a better band).

Get this record - it's literally meshes quite well with Ulver's "Perdition City".

D/L these songs for proof:
Group Four
Dissolved Girl
I looked for it when I got Sting's "The Soul Cages" (which is now one of my top 10 albums of all time... it's THAT good!)... but the store I was at didn't have "Mezzanine", unfortunately...
ProgMetalFan said:
I looked for it when I got Sting's "The Soul Cages" (which is now one of my top 10 albums of all time... it's THAT good!)... ...
I'm glad you like it! And I agree. It IS that good.

Every Sting solo record has some great songs, but always also alot of 'filler'. Not Soul Cages. Every song is a gem. And, it's quite different from his other work. The entire album is dark, brooding & melancholy. Sting wrote the album as a tribute to his recently deceased a tribute. The lyrics iterate his father's life, actually.

PMF - have you heard either "Nothing Like the Sun" or "Mercury Falling"?
"Sun" is another great CD, but it's got tons of jazz - if you dislike jazz, you may be dissappointed. It does, however, feature an incredible cover of "little Wing", originally made famous by Hendrix.
"Mercury" is the closest thing to "Soul Cages" that he's done...but it's got a lot of variety. There are clear country, jazz, soul, rock, etc. influences. Great record.
Sorry for turning this into yet another Sting thread :lol:

But I just can't get enough of his amazing voice!

I am definately going to get more Sting... "Nothing Like the Sun" is next on my list... I'm familiar with the gorgeous "Be Still My Beating Heart"... and "We'll Be Together"... I'm sure it's a great album... I'm also gonna get "Dream of the Blue Turtles"... I love "Fortress Around Your Heart"... brilliant tune... I wasn't sure about "Mercury Falling" because I've read bad reviews about it... and I dont' think I'm familiar with anything from it... but if you say it's great... then I'll give it a try... I'm also unsure about "Ten Summoner's Tales"... I love "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You" and the lush "Fields of Gold"...but I've also heard some really dumb songs from the album...

Have you heard anything from "Sacred Love"? I guess Sting performed on the Today show this morning... too bad I missed it...
I have all of Sting's CDs except for the brand new one. I've only heard the single and, although his voice in in prime shape, the song was really dull. I'm just afraid that he's leaning more & more into the true pop realm.

Anyway, 'Blue Turtles' is, as always, fantastic. The song "Russians" is among his best. It also features some of his darker tunes "Childrens Crusade" and "We Work the Black Seam". Obviously, being his first solo album, it's quite close to later-era Police. Some of the songs would have fit perfectly on "Synchronicty".

"Mercury" is a severely underrated record. If you enjoy "SOul", you'll enjoy this one. Trust me. But what you REALLY need to do is find the singles that were released from this record (they're all still in print). The single for "You Still Touch Me" (a very good, but not spectacular, song) features two non-album Bsides that, in all honesty, would have been THE BEST songs on the record. They are "Pirate's Bride" & "Lullabye to an Anxious Child". These BOTH sound as if they're pulled directly off of Soul Cages!

"Ten Summoner's Tales" is, by far, his weakest effort. The singles were GREAT, but the remainder of the album is really pretty weak. Get this one last, if at all.
Mezzanine? Oh, hell yes! Track 10 with Liz is my favorite, but I love the whole album. Turned on a whole bunch of friends a few years back by playing it at a cabin in the mountains while we sat in a glass-roofed Jacuzzi with candles while it snowed...
Sting? Ugh.

Mezzanine is good though. I prefer Tricky's first two albums for the trip hop fix though.

Also of interest, get Lamb's album What Sound for a more downtempo dnb approach to trip hop.

Hooverphonic is good sort of symphonic pop trip hop.

If you want atmospheric and more abstract electronics like Ulver's latest, try dntel's stuff. All of it is excellent, but the album with the ambulance on the cover is the best. Get The Dream of Evan and Chan, that song RULES.
SoundMaster said:
Greatest trip-hop record ever record, for sure! Even tops the immortal Portishead (although, overall, PH is a better band).

Get this record - it's literally meshes quite well with Ulver's "Perdition City".

D/L these songs for proof:
Group Four
Dissolved Girl
I sooo totally love this album. I was hooked ever since I heard 'Tear Drop'. I'm really interested to hear Sepultura's take on the track 'Angel', which they covered on their lates cd. I've always believed that would translate into a great metal track.
SoundMaster said:
Greatest trip-hop record ever record, for sure! Even tops the immortal Portishead (although, overall, PH is a better band).
Massive is a great band but i dont think they'r better then Portishead. i cant listen to all Massive's songs but i can listen to every Portishead song. plus portishead sounds more like a real band.
Been waiting for a new Portishead album for awhile. I just listened to Beth Gibbons' latest solo album and it was a total snore.

MA on the other hand, the new 100th Window record is great. Not as good as Mezannine but they haven't wandered from the same dark sound either. I'm also disappointed they won't tour the U.S. at all this year.
Mezzanine is a good album, but far from being "the best". If MA would learn to let loose with their songs rather that try so hard to sound "cool", they'd be better off. Until then I consider them second tier.

And Ulver sounds nothing like Massive Attack.
I see no one has taken my advice and gotten the dntel album yet. You should, it's quite excellent. At least try downloading it, it's very prevalent on soulseek due to it being electronic (everything electronic is still absolutely simple to find on soulseek, which started out as an electronics only p2p service).
I'd say Mezzanine is definitely their best album. Protection is almost brilliant too.. just got some really dodgy moments. But what about the songs "Protection", "Three" and "Better things"? they're soo goood.

100th window was absolute crap. It's just so boring and the lyrics/songs are really really bad too.

I've never seen the big fuss about lamb.. they're alright, but the girls got the ugliest voice ever, imho. heh.