Master Chef Chromie's Sopaipillas Fest 2003 !!!


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002
Being so intrigued by CT's talk of Sopaipillas, I attempted to make my own. I'm leaving out the boring parts, like mixing ingredients, but heres the rest..

A mulitpart series...

Part 1: Rolled out the dough and the frying oil is heating up!!!

Part 4: I don't know what they're actually supposed to look like... but here's how I decided they should be!!!!

hahaha, yeah it said to cut them into squares, but that was too much trouble so I just made them whatever shape I felt like.
the precursor to the sopaipillas dessert was calzones for dinner.

and they ruled as well.

a Master Chef , I am, indeed!
just don't have us making potato soup with bacon bits, although you're a vegetarian so that wouldn't matter anyway. but we did that at school and we caught the bacon box on fire and ended up totally ruining the soup....there was a curiously nasty film on the bottom of the pot.