Master of Puppets cover... All critiques welcome

Oct 16, 2010

So yeah, just after any feed back at all...

It was a bit rushed, recorded it all in a few hours since I already know how to play the song well...

The drums are MIDI, with a few tweaks outputting to SSD's Black Kit.

Guitars: PRS CUstom 24 in to a Pod XT Pro w/Boogie amp sim.
Ibanez K-5 bass DI'ed.

And obviously, the vox are the real deal. That was one of the most time consuming parts, since I played to a strict click, so I had to chop up the vocal lines quite a bit to keep them in perfect time.

Very little tweaking overall though, I'd love to hear some tips on where I could improve :)

Great playing! The tone is a bit boxy though. But it is a pod so some problems are expected.
Drums are obviously programmed. So work on the velocities. I'm guessing it's 127 all the through, which is not recommended.
Nice work , bit of a right hand work out !

I agree the drums could do with some dynamics though .

Not too bad for a pod tone , nicely played though .
Thanks for the replies :)

And yeah I know what you mean about the drums.

I haven't had SSD all that long, and so far haven't really messed about with settings. I'm hoping there's a "humanize velocity" feature on it somewhere? It's a bit of a pain in the ass to have manually draw them all in, but if that's the only way to do it, then so be it.
Thanks for the replies :)

And yeah I know what you mean about the drums.

I haven't had SSD all that long, and so far haven't really messed about with settings. I'm hoping there's a "humanize velocity" feature on it somewhere? It's a bit of a pain in the ass to have manually draw them all in, but if that's the only way to do it, then so be it.

Manually is the only way if you want to fool people around here. :)
you COULD automatically "humanize" the Midi file itself if your DAW has that option, I know Reaper does. It kinda sucks for timing cause if you go too far you´ll get silly "mistakes" and if you do too little it´s not noticeable, but if your lazy you could humanize the velocities with that real quickly
+1 on the manual editing of velocities. I like the tone on the leads as well as your playing.