Master of Puppets Cover - Revalver, AD, Ampeg SVX - Mixed in Cubase


May 27, 2009
Hey Dudes,

Check this out,

Master of puppets, using probably my favourite revalver tone, which i made.

Bass was tracked in through ampeg svx.

Drums are all AD no replacing was done! thought id give mixing their drums a chance!

All recorded with my profire 2626, mixed entirely itb.

Let me know what you think!!


Version 1: of Puppets v1.0 MSTR.mp3

Version 1.2: (Clearer, Better mixed tones) of Puppets v1.2 MSTR.mp3
yeah i thought the bass might have been abit loud, i only sorta worked on the mix for an hour!

What do you think is wrong with the drums?

Guitars seem a little over gained to me for this style and sound a little too thick as well
playing is nice and tight dude. not really diggin the fat snare for this, though that snare could work in something, well, "bigger" sounding. great cover though dude, wanted it to keep going. :kickass:
With the mix overall i wasnt really trying to match the metallica mix, more record it how i would if i had a band come in and play it. I used a thicker tone as i think thats how modern guitar tones should be i guess haha. Im actually really happy how well this tone has come out considering its revalver. The snare haha i kinda mixed in memory of first hearing the shitty saint anger snare haha thats why its got alot of ring to it. i think it needs to be louder in the mix! When i get further with it ill post a newer mix, ill mix the bass abit better and try and master it a little louder!

I realize you weren't going for the original MoP mix, but what I meant is, the tone is thick to the point where it's muddying up the rest of the mix. You really need to back down on some of those lower mids.
And on the bass guitar as well, it's got too much lower mids, which is also making it sound a little muddy and muffled.
Once you fix that, you'll notice the entire mix will sound clearer and the top end will be a bit more present
Ok man thanks for the advice, i shall put up a new mix later on today!

i see youre in melbourne also! sweet!

With the mix overall i wasnt really trying to match the metallica mix, more record it how i would if i had a band come in and play it.

hahaha, that's a good thing man, and your version is great! you see, i have a problem to where i absolutely HAVE to match the original mix as best as possible when i do a cover....not sure why i'm like that! :loco: