Mastering! Trevor says he'll do it for £12...

This is fucking AMAZING.

'Then i'm going to go back to my bedroom and use my cracked waves plugins'

^This stuff is funny for sure! :)

Haha sucks, I just did a movie. After that they told me, I need points (=money) to publish it. 40 minutes of my life gone.

Same here, I had a 3 minute sketch comedy going only to find I couldn't save or publish it, lame. I would maybe pay money if it had better animations and the ability to move the characters around.

As for the video, made my day. fuckin hilarious. I think I read one of those conversations posted here a while back, or maybe it was reposted from gearslutz.:lol:
Same here, I had a 3 minute sketch comedy going only to find I couldn't save or publish it, lame. I would maybe pay money if it had better animations and the ability to move the characters around.

As for the video, made my day. fuckin hilarious. I think I read one of those conversations posted here a while back, or maybe it was reposted from gearslutz.:lol:

This sucks! I thought it would be for free. I tell ya, I had alot of fun with screenplay, but then ----> disillusionment :Smug:
I love these



"I can hear some intense noise outside this abandoned aquarium. What is that?"
*gunfire and cannons*
"It is the loudness war."