Masterstroke: Purity Fades -video

Nice and catchy chorus there, great song IMO. :)

Vieläkös teillä on samassa paikassa studio? En tiiä ootko alitajuisesti sulkenu kamalat muistot pois :lol: , mut olin serkkupoikas bändin kanssa rumpalina pari vuotta takaperin siellä nauhottelemassa.
Jaa nyt en kyllä osaa sanoa. Tietääkseni mun serkulla ei ole bändiä? Vai tarkotatko jotain muuta meitin bändiläistä? Jannella tai Nikolla niitä serkkuja tuntuu olevan! :D
Pienteollisuustaloilla ollaan, Tampere-talon ja Yliopiston kulmassa. Ex-Fantomin naapurissa :)
Joo tuollahan me oltiin... Jotain sukua musta olitte kyllä mutta en muista kyllä nyt mitä :grin: siis Räisäsen Antista oli puhe, basisti meiän bändissä?
Wow, this is pretty awesome dude, I really dig the guitar tone, and your singer as well! :rock: Sweet solos too, very impressive

HOWEVER - I really gotta level dude, Masterstroke could be one of the funniest names I've ever heard, it seriously sounds like a porn star surname :lol: (Bruce Masterstroke :D)

EDIT: Oh shit, keyboard solo, fuck yeah :rock: Ever listen to Andromeda dude? I have their first CD ("Extension of the Wish", at least I think it's their first), and while the session singer is HORRIBLE and the music has some seriously gay moments, your style of soloing (and especially patch choice) reminds me a lot of their keyboard player, who I dig :kickass:

Check it, solo at 14 seconds in (sorry for the awful quality)

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Classy dude. Straight up classy. It's not pretentious in the least - you guys what you do best. Now that's something that's lost in a lot of metal!

and +1 for the How Do? shirt!

And the Marcus' comment reminded me of this:

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Thank you, thank you :kickass:

Metaltastic: I've never heard of Andromeda, thanks for that. Good solo and sound. Sounded programmed to me, though? If not, damn good chops!
Anyhoo, I like to play a synth solo that actually sounds like a synth, you know? I'm fed up with lead sounds that try to imitate guitars!!

Btw, rhythm guitars: Schecter Loomis FR & C7 -> Peavey 6505+ (red channel) -> Krank cab -> SM57. IIRC.

Spioraid: Cool! I don't know what we're doing, but we're doing what we like and do it the way we know how to do it. Er.. yeah! :zombie:

And about the name.. yeah, we've probably heard everything and made up a few of our own on the way! And I think it's quite appropriate for this band... :lol: