Math Rock?

How about the band Abstrakt Algebra, consisting of members of Candlemass & Mercyful Fate? I don't know if their music is math rock, but the name is.

Mudvayne and Tool? Not really. When the description 'math rock' comes up, what usually springs to my mind are bands constantly playing in odd-time signatures, constantly changing time signatures, etc. Dillinger Escape Plan, for example, and to a lesser extent, Meshuggah (nearly all of their riffs are really 4/4.
Rush & Yes to a certain extent.

Anyone heard a 70s band called Patto? That band had the most amazing guitarist (I may have posted about him before) named Ollie Halsall. That bastard taught himself to play guitar after playing the vibes and piano- he figured he played a lot of intricate stuff on piano with his right hand, so he should play guitar using that hand, & played left handed (this was when he was like 19 or so). Anyway, they sounded sort of like a mix between Humble Pie, Yes, Zeppelin, and something more artsy/jazzy. Lots of long-winded instrumental jam passages with vibes and stuff, but also lots of riff-rockin' classic rock stuff with cool time changes thrown in.

Now that I finished typing this, I do believe I did post this already. My bad.
Yes, Don Cab, yes Breadwinner, Also try (less mathy but still) Crownhate Ruin, Requlator Watts (those are both more emo-ish but hey) and the Fucking Champs. Hmmm, also Kerosene 454. June of 44 flirt with mathiness (on their first album in any case) and the first Boy's Life album. That's all I can think of.
then tool should be considered math rock because they almost never play in 4/4. the song lateralis is in 7/8 - 8/8 - 9/8, to name one example.