Matrix Reloaded

Hey if you like movies that have loads of action scenes and lots of males and females in tight clothing, and plots that border on interesting this is a good movie. I thought that it was over the top and fantastic, not sure if I thought it was a good as X-men but ..... Anyone seen the Animatrix? Is that any good?
Haven't seen it yet.. I've seen the first Matrix movie and that was a good movie.. maybe I have to see the second one soon too :)
The big movies over here now is The Hulk and Charlies Angels.. Charlies Angels sucks bigtime, but I think I will see The Hulk.. he rocks! haha.
I saw it, not SAW it but anyway I've seen it...
At first I was very disappointed since in the beginning (30 minutes?) nothing but time wasting.
But then when the movie f-i-n-a-l-l-y began it turned good enough, not great anyway.
I am going to buy it on DVD and check the third forthcoming part, so I enjoyed! :)
I don't plan on seeing it any time soon. I'm not a film person, I generally can't be arsed to watch anything :p wait for it to come out on video...

The Animatrix, on the other hand, would be very cool to check out :)
I thought it was good as I have said before but I have just heard rumours that that there is going to be a movie made about the sang that Avril did, sk8er boi. :yell: There is enough crap out there without this being done
I've now seen Terminator 3, and it's pretty good. It's not better than the first one or the second one, but it's a ok action movie though.. worth to see I guess.. :)

I've also seen The Hulk and Bruce Almighty this week. I didn't like the hulk much.. impressive visual effects and stuff, but overall a boring movie.
Bruce Almighty was a really funny movie.. Carrey is hillarious, hehe.
And tonight I will see Finding Nemo :D expections isn't to big when it comes to this one. Actually I have no idea what this movie is about.. but I will soon find it out :)