Matt Barlow is back


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
But this time in Pyramaze

Statement from Matthew Barlow:

Brothers and sisters... The last time I made a statement to the metal community it was one of sorrow but certainly not one of regret. There are people, things and experiences - once not thought possible - that I have attained in the last several years. It's an extension of friends and family that has truly made my life whole, and one that I would not jeopardize for fame and glory.

That thought in mind, I was posed an interesting proposition by a true talent in heavy metal. Honestly, I had not heard a lot about Pyramaze, when I received an e-mail from Michael. After our initial correspondence I began to realize that this was a guy that really had his head in the right place - a musician who was in music for the music. Michael spoke to me of his band - a bunch of guys who want to put out solid music but would not sacrifice their souls to attain greatness. This is by no means a slam on I.E. or any of the great musicians I have worked with in the past. It simply means that the music industry can suck you in, chew you up, and spit you out if you don't keep firmly planted on the ground. Pyramaze are working class metal heads with something to prove! Metal is what they live for but it is not their livelihood.

Needless to say, I was instantly intrigued by Michael's delivery. Especially considering the nature of my career choice of late. I wondered if Michael had really thought the courting process through. I'm sure that there are some people that never really understood my reasons for leaving the industry and certainly don't like who or what i represent in my current vocation. There is also the fact that Pyramaze has been rather stereotyped as a prog-metal act and I as Satan / Paul Stanley. What kind of crazy mixed up world is this????

Well... The way I see it... I'm in a point in my life, where I love what I do for a living and for the first time, I can support myself and my family doing it. Now for the other great thing... That's how this band thinks. There is no expectation of co-signing (under the name Mephistopheles) in order to have your record sell. The record will sell if the music is great. The music will be great, because the guys doing it, want to do it... For all the right reasons. Pyramaze has proven that!

I sense hesitation... And rightly so... After all, there are a lot of I.E. fans out there that still just don't get it. I would imagine that there are also Pyramaze fans that love what Mr. King did for this band. Hell, I love what he did for this band! I think that the guy is a true talent and feel the same about Tim Owens (that's Ripper to you!). I also feel, that in the same way I.E. fans have taken Tim into the fold, I too can find a place within the Pyramaze family. I would venture to say that Pyramaze, already unique and uncompromising, will not be placed inside of a prog-metal box once the sparks start flying.

I am really looking forward to working with Michael and the guys!!! I also look forward to hearing feedback from the brethren and sisterhood of metal.

Up from the ashes, back from the depths, when the voices have risen, fire becomes flesh!


Matt, metal has been too long without one of it's true talents... i obviously (for those who know me) would have preferred a reunion with Iced Earth but i look forward to checking out your material with Pyramaze :kickass:
Wow, great new ! For the ones who never heard about Pyramaze you should put an hear on it ! This is a GREAT band, one of my favorite with Iron Maiden, Blaze Seven Witches and of course Intense ! "Melancholy Beast" (their first album) is an absolute masterpiece !